Anne of the Island

Anne of the Island is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery about Anne Shirley.

Anne of the Island was published in 1915, seven years after the bestselling Anne of Green Gables. In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, Anne attends Redmond College in Kingsport, where she is studying for her Bachelor of Arts.

By : Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942)

01 - The Shadow of Change

02 - Garlands of Autumn

03 - Greeting and Farewell

04 - April's Lady

05 - Letters from Home

06 - In the Park

07 - Home Again

08 - Anne's First Proposal

09 - An Unwelcome Lover and a Welcome Friend

10 - Patty's Place

11 - The Round of Life

12 - Averil's Atonement

13 - The Way of Transgressors

14 - The Summons

15 - A Dream Turned Upside Down

16 - Adjusted Relationships

17 - A Letter from Davy

18 - Miss Josephine Remembers the Anne-girl

19 - An Interlude

20 - Gilbert Speaks

21 - Roses of Yesterday

22 - Spring and Anne Return to Green Gables

23 - Paul Cannot Find the Rock People

24 - Enter Jonas

25 - Enter Prince Charming

26 - Enter Christine

27 - Mutual Confidences

28 - A June Evening

29 - Diana's Wedding

30 - Mrs. Skinner's Romance

31 - Anne to Philippa

32 - Tea with Mrs. Douglas

33 - He Just Kept Coming and Coming

34 - John Douglas Speaks at Last

35 - The Last Redmond Year Opens

36 - The Gardners' Call

37 - Full-Fledged B.A.'s

38 - False Dawn

39 - Deals with Weddings

40 - A Book of Revelation

41 - Love Takes Up the Glass of Time

Anne leaves Green Gables and her work as a teacher in Avonlea to pursue her original dream (which she gave up in Anne of Green Gables) of taking further education at Redmond College in Nova Scotia. Gilbert Blythe and Charlie Sloane enroll as well, as does Anne's friend from Queen's Academy, Priscilla Grant. During her first week of school, Anne befriends Philippa Gordon, a beautiful girl whose frivolous ways charm her. Philippa (Phil for short) also happens to be from Anne's birthplace in Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia.

The girls spend their first year in boardinghouses and decide to set up house thereafter in a lovely cottage called Patty's Place, near campus. The girls enter their second year at Redmond happily ensconced at Patty's Place, along with Queen's classmate Stella Maynard and her "Aunt Jimsie" (their chaperone), while life continues in Avonlea. Diana Barry becomes engaged to Fred Wright and Davy and Dora continue to keep Marilla busy.

Midway through their college years, Gilbert Blythe, who has always loved Anne, proposes to her but Anne rejects him; although she and Gilbert are very close, she holds sentimental fantasies about true love (all featuring a tall, dark, handsome, inscrutable hero) and does not recognize her true feelings for Gilbert. Gilbert leaves, his heart broken, and the two drift apart.

Anne's childhood friend Ruby Gillis dies of consumption (tuberculosis) very soon after finding her own true love. Anne later welcomes the courtship of Roy Gardner, a darkly handsome Redmond student who showers her with attention and poetic gestures. However, when he proposes after two years, Anne abruptly realizes that Roy does not really belong in her life, and that she had only been in love with the idea of him as the embodiment of her childhood ideal.

Anne is so ashamed in how she treated Roy that she feels her entire Redmond experience may have been spoiled. She returns to Green Gables, a "full-fledged B.A.", but finds herself a bit lonely. Diana gives birth to her first child, and Jane Andrews, an old school friend, marries a Winnipeg millionaire. Having received an offer to be the principal of the Summerside school in the fall, Anne is keeping herself occupied over the summer when she learns that Gilbert is gravely ill with typhoid fever. With shock, Anne finally realizes how deep her true feelings for Gilbert are, and endures a white night of fear that he will leave this world without knowing that she does care. In the morning, Anne gratefully learns that Gilbert will survive. Gilbert recovers over the summer, bolstered by a letter from Phil assuring him that there is really nothing between Anne and Roy. After several visits to Green Gables, Gilbert and Anne take a late summer walk in Hester Gray's garden, and finally become engaged.


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