Shakespeare Monologues Collection vol, 01

William Shakespeare remains widely to be considered the single greatest playwright of all time. He wrote in such a variety of genres - tragedy, comedy, romance, - that there is always at least one monologue in each of his plays. Some of these teach a lesson, some simply characterize Shakespeare at his best, some are funny, some sad, but all are very moving. Each monologue will touch everybody differently. Some people will be so moved by a particular monologue that they will want to record it. So here are the first fifteen monologues.

By : William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

01 - Merchant of Venice - Quality of Mercy (Act 4, Scene 1)

02 - Taming of the Shrew - No Shame But Mine (Act 3, Scene 2)

03 - Macbeth - They met me on the day of sucess (Act 1, Scene 5)

04 - Romeo and Juliet - More Than Prince of Cats (Act 2, Scene 4)

05 - Macbeth - Is this a dagger? (Act 2, Scene 1)

06 - A Midsummer Night's Dream - If We Shadows Have Offended (Act 5, Scene 2)

07 - Henry V - Prologue (Act 1, Scene 1)

08 - King John - I defy all counsel (Act 3, Scene 4)

09 - Romeo and Juliet - Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo (Act 2, Scene 2)

10 - Twelfth Night - I left no ring with her (Act 2, Scene 2)

11 - The Tempest - Be Cheerful Sir (Act 4, Scene 1)

12 - Othello - Emilia (Act 4, Scene 3)

13 - Hamlet - Hamlet's Speech to the Players (Act 3, Scene 2)

14 - Richard II - Of Comfort No Man Speak (Act 3, Scene 2)

15 - Measure for Measure - Tis One Thing To Be Tempted (Act 2, Scene 1)


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