American History Stories, Volume 2

History is brought to life in the second volume of American History Stories by Mara L. Pratt. It is a wonderful introduction for children to American history, this volume beginning with the causes of the American Revolution. Although each chapter is short, it is full of fascinating information, and so well-written that adults will enjoy it as much as children.

Reader's Note: This edition contains patriotic songs of the time period. Where these songs have occurred, the lyrics have been read. The music for these songs may be found in the text.

By : Mara L. Pratt

01 - Causes of the Revolution

02 - The Stamp Act

03 - Behavior of the Colonists

04 - Daughters of Liberty

05 - The Boston Boys

06 - A Brave Little Girl

07 - The Boston Massacre

08 - The Boston Tea-Party

09 - Revolutionary Tea

10 - The Patriotic Barber

11 - Battle of Lexington

12 - Paul Revere's Ride

13 - The Origin of Yankee Doodle

14 - The Women at Lexington

15 - Capture of Ticonderoga

16 - Battle of Bunker Hill

17 - General Warren

18 - The March to Quebec

19 - Washington and His Army

20 - The Red-coats Leave Boston

21 - Declaration of Independence

22 - The History of Our Flag

23 - The Star Bangled Banner

24 - Our Flag is There

25 - A Petty Tyrant

26 - The Leaden Statue

27 - Free and Equal

28 - An Anecdote of Washington

29 - Lydia Darrah Saves General Washington

30 - Washington's Christmas Surprise

31 - Washington's Christmas Gift to the American Army

32 - Valley Forge

33 - Emily Geiger

34 - Massacre of Wyoming

35 - The Surrender of Burgoyne

36 - Saratoga

37 - The Half-Witted Tory Boy

38 - The Fox of the Southern Swamp

39 - Song of Marion's Men

40 - The Women of South Carolina

41 - Israel Putnam

42 - Benjamin Franklin

43 - Poor Richard's Almanac

44 - Arnold the Traitor and Andre the Spy

45 - Surrender of Cornwallis

46 - Anecdote of Burgoyne

47 - Nancy Hart

48 - Lafayette

49 - The Punning Parson

50 - Provost Cunningham

51 - America: or, My Country 'Tis of Thee

52 - General Joseph Warren's Address

53 - My Country

54 - Memory Gems


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