Beautiful Girlhood

Every worthy book has a reason for its existence that is founded upon true purpose and desire. Whether the writer does justice to her subject or fulfills her purpose, it is the liberty of others to judge; it is her joy, however, to know that her purpose was true and her efforts sincere.

This little book is born of a desire to help and encourage our girls who are struggling with the problems that come up in teens. Youth has its problems, its heartaches, and disappointments. It is not always a smooth path to the perfection of womanhood.

If what I have written should help some girl to a nobler life and truer ideals, then I shall feel that it has accomplished the task I have set for it to do.

Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way.

Other books have been written bearing upon the same subjects as I have here treated; but many girls who will read this do not have them, and lack the counsel they could give. It is because of this hope to reach some of these precious girls with the help they need this little volume has been written. It is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing.

By : Mabel Hale

00 - Forward and Preface

01 - Opening Flowers

02 - From the Child to the Woman

03 - Keeping Up Acquaintance

04 - Character Building

05 - The Strength of Obedience

06 - Making Herself Beautiful

07 - That Member, the Tongue

08 - A Sunny Disposition

09 - The Beauty of Truthfulness

10 - Sincerity

11 - Ideals

12 - Ambition

13 - The Power of Purpose

14 - Dreams

15 - Friendships

16 - An Accomplished Girl

17 - The Oils of Life

18 - Home Life

19 - A Girl's Ornaments

20 - When a Girl Goes Out

21 - A New Awakening

22 - A Christian

23 - The Quiet Hour

24 - Making Friends of Books

25 - Waking of the Love Nature

26 - Boy Friends

27 - The Girl Who Can Be Trusted

28 - Getting Ready for the Great Responsibility

29 - Choosing a Lifework

30 - A Consecrated Life

31 - A Pure Heart

32 - A Few Faults Discussed

33 - The Girl of Today

34 - The Full-Blown Rose


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