Camp-Fire Girls In The Allegheny Mountains or, A Christmas Success Against Odds

The Camp Fire Girls books is a series of fiction novels written for children by various authors from 1912 into the 1930s.

By : Stella M. Francis

"Wo-he-lo for aye,
Wo-he-lo for aye,
Wo-he-lo, Wo-he-lo, Wo-he-lo for aye!
Wo-he-lo for work,
Wo-he-lo for health,
Wo-he-lo, Wo-he-lo, Wo-he-lo for love."

Two hundred and thirty-nine girl voices chanted the Wo-he-lo Cheer with weird impressiveness. The scene alone would have been impressive enough, but Camp Fire Girls are not satisfied with that kind of "enough." Once their imagination is stimulated with the almost limitless possibilities of the craft, they are not easily pleased with anything but a finished product.

The occasion was the last Grand Council Fire of Hiawatha Institute for Camp Fire Girls located in the Allegheny city of Westmoreland. The classroom work had been rushed a day ahead, examinations were made almost perfunctory, and for them also the clock had been turned twenty-four hours forward. The curriculum was finished, and the day just closed had been devoted to preparation for a Grand Council wind-up for the fifteen Fires of the Institute, which would "break ranks" on the following day and scatter in all directions for home and the Christmas holidays...

01 - The Grand Council Fire

02 - The Boy Scouts' Invasion

03 - The Skull and Cross-Bones

04 - Studying the Mystery

05 - Girls Courageous

06 - The Punster Makes a Find

07 - To the Rescue

08 - The Eavesdropper

09 - Mr. Stanlock Surprised

10 - Mr. Stanlock Amused

11 - A Man of Big Heart and Queer Notions

12 - A Mysterious Disappearance

13 - Find Her, or I'll Find Her Myself

14 - Trapped

15 - A Pile of Scrap Lumber

16 - Helen and the Strike Leader's Wife

17 - Helen Declares Herself

18 - Helen in the Mountains

19 - The Subterranean Avenue

20 - Twelve Girls in the Mountains

21 - Thirteen Girls in the Mountains

22 - A Sleighride Home


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