
In this 3-volume epistolary novel, title character Evelina is the unacknowledged but legitimate daughter of a dissipated English aristocrat, thus raised in rural seclusion until her 17th year. Through a series of humorous events that take place in London and the resort town of Hotwells, near Bristol, Evelina learns to navigate the complex layers of 18th-century society and come under the eye of a distinguished nobleman with whom a romantic relationship is formed in the latter part of the novel. This sentimental novel, which has notions of sensibility and early romanticism, satirizes the society in which it is set and is a significant precursor to the work of Jane Austen and Maria Edgeworth, whose novels explore many of the same issues.

By : Fanny Burney (1752 - 1840)

00 - Original inscription, dedication, and preface

01 - LETTER I. Lady Howard to the Rev. Mr. Villars

02 - LETTER II. Mr. Villars to Lady Howard

03 - LETTER III. Lady Howard to the Rev. Mr. Villars

04 - LETTER IV. Mr. Villars to Lady Howard

05 - LETTER V. Mr. Villars to Lady Howard

06 - LETTER VI. Lady Howard to the Rev. Mr. Villars

07 - LETTER VII. Lady Howard to the Rev. Mr. Villars

08 - LETTER VIII. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

09 - LETTER IX. Mr. Villars to Evelina

10 - LETTER X. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

11 - LETTER XI. Evelina in Continuation

12 - LETTER XII. Evelina in Continuation

13 - LETTER XIII. Evelina in Continuation

14 - LETTER XIV. Evelina in Continuation

15 - LETTER XV. Mr. Villars to Evelina.

16 - LETTER XVI. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

17 - LETTER XVII. Evelina in Continuation

18 - LETTER XVIII. Evelina in Continuation

19 - LETTER XIX. Evelina in Continuation

20 - LETTER XX. Evelina in Continuation

21 - LETTER XXI. Evelina in Continuation

22 - LETTER XXII. Evelina in Continuation

23 - LETTER XXIII. Evelina in Continuation

24 - LETTER XXIV. Mr. Villars to Evelina.

25 - LETTER XXV. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

26 - LETTER XXVI. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

27 - LETTER XXVII. Lady Howard to the Rev. Mr. Villars

28 - LETTER XXVIII. Mr. Villars to Lady Howard

29 - LETTER XXIX. Mr. Villars to Evelina.

30 - LETTER XXX. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

31 - LETTER XXXI. Lady Howard to Sir John Belmont, Bart

32 - LETTER XXXII. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

33 - LETTER XXXIII. Evelina in Continuation

34 - LETTER XXXIV. Evelina in Continuation

35 - LETTER XXXV. Sir John Belmont to Lady Howard

36 - LETTER XXXVI. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

37 - LETTER XXXVII. Mr. Villars to Evelina

38 - LETTER XXXVIII. Mr. Villars to Lady Howard

39 - LETTER XXXIX. Mr. Villars to Evelina

40 - LETTER XL. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

41 - LETTER XLI. Evelina to Miss Mirvan

42 - LETTER XLII. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

43 - LETTER XLIII. Evelina in Continuation

44 - LETTER XLIV. Evelina in Continuation

45 - LETTER XLV. Evelina in Continuation

46 - LETTER XLVI. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

47 - LETTER XLVII. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

48 - LETTER XLVIII. Evelina in Continuation

49 - LETTER XLIX. Mr. Villars to Evelina

50 - LETTER L. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

51 - LETTER LI. Evelina in Continuation

52 - LETTER LII. Evelina in Continuation

53 - LETTER LIII. Evelina in Continuation

54 - LETTER LIV. Evelina in Continuation

55 - LETTER LV. Evelina in Continuation

56 - LETTER LVI. Mr. Villars to Evelina

57 - LETTER LVII. Evelina to Miss Mirvan

58 - LETTER LVIII. Evelina in Continuation

59 - LETTER LIX. Evelina in Continuation

60 - LETTER LX. Evelina in Continuation

61 - LETTER LXI. Evelina in Continuation

62 - LETTER LXII. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

63 - LETTER LXIII. Evelina in Continuation

64 - LETTER LXIV. Evelina in Continuation

65 - LETTER LXV. Evelina in Continuation

66 - LETTER LXVI. Evelina in Continuation

67 - LETTER LXVII. Mr. Villars to Evelina

68 - LETTER LXVIII. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

69 - LETTER LXIX. Evelina in Continuation

70 - LETTER LXX. Evelina in Continuation

71 - LETTER LXXI. Evelina in Continuation

72 - LETTER LXXII. Evelina in Continuation

73 - LETTER LXXIII. Mr. Villars to Evelina

74 - LETTER LXXIV Lady Belmont to Sir John Belmont

75 - LETTER LXXV. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

76 - LETTER LXXVI. Evelina in Continuation

77 - LETTER LXXVII. Evelina in Continuation

78 - LETTER LXXVIII. Evelina in Continuation

79 - LETTER LXXIX. Evelina in Continuation

80 - LETTER LXXX. Evelina in Continuation

81 - LETTER LXXXI. Evelina in Continuation

82 - LETTER LXXXII. Evelina in Continuation

83 - LETTER LXXXIII. Mr. Villars to Evelina

84 - LETTER LXXXIV. Evelina to the Rev. Mr. Villars

The novel opens with a distressed letter from Lady Howard to her longtime acquaintance, the Reverend Arthur Villars, in which she reports that Mme (Madame) Duval, the grandmother of Villars' ward, Evelina Anville, intends to visit England to renew her acquaintance with her granddaughter Evelina. Eighteen years earlier, Mme Duval had broken off her relationship with her daughter Caroline, Evelina's mother, but never knew of the birth or even existence of Evelina until Evelina was in her late teens. Upon this discovery, Mme Duval desires to reclaim Evelina and whisk her away to France as her closest blood relation. Reverend Villars fears Mme Duval's influence could lead Evelina to a fate similar to that of her mother Caroline, who secretly wedded Sir John Belmont, a libertine, who afterwards denied the marriage. To keep Evelina from Mme Duval, the Reverend lets her visit Howard Grove, Lady Howard's home, on an extended holiday. While she is there, the family learns that Lady Howard's son-in-law, naval officer Captain Mirvan, is returning to England after a seven-year absence. Desperate to join the Mirvans on their trip to London, Evelina entreats her guardian to let her attend with them, promising that the visit will last only a few weeks. Villars reluctantly consents.

In London, Evelina's beauty and ambiguous social status attract unwanted attention and unkind speculation. Ignorant of the conventions and behaviours of 18th-century London society, she makes a series of humiliating (but humorous) faux pas that further expose her to social ridicule. She soon earns the attentions of two gentlemen: Lord Orville, a handsome and extremely eligible peer and pattern-card of modest, becoming behaviour; and Sir Clement Willoughby, a baronet with duplicitous intentions. Evelina's untimely reunion in London with her grandmother and the Branghtons, her long-unknown extended family, along with the embarrassment their boorish, social-climbing antics cause, soon convince Evlina that Lord Orville is completely out of reach.

The Mirvans finally return to the country, taking Evelina and Mme Duval with them. Spurred by Evelina's greedy cousins, Mme Duval concocts a plan to sue Sir John Belmont, Evelina's father, and force him to recognize his daughter's claim to his estate in court. Reverend Villars is displeased, and they decide against a lawsuit, but Lady Howard still writes to Sir John Belmont, who responds unfavourably. He does not believe it possible for Evelina to be his daughter, as he already has a young lady who is his supposed daughter (who, unbeknownst to him is actually illegitimate), and therefore assumes Mme Duval to be trying to dupe him for his money.

Mme Duval is furious and threatens to rush Evelina back to Paris to pursue the lawsuit. A second compromise sees Evelina return to London with her grandmother, where she is forced to spend time with her ill-bred Branghton cousins and their rowdy friends, but she is distracted by Mr. Macartney, a melancholy and direly-poor Scottish poet. Finding him with a pair of pistols, she supposed him to be considering suicide and bids him to look to his salvation; later he informs her that he has been contemplating not only self-destruction but more-so highway robbery. He is in dreadful financial straits, is engaged in tracing his own obscure parentage, as well as recovering from his mother's sudden death and the discovery that his beloved is actually his sister. Evelina charitably gives him her purse. Otherwise, her time with the Branghtons is uniformly mortifying: during her visit to the Marylebone pleasure garden, for instance, she's attacked by a drunken sailor and accosted by several rowdy men before being rescued by prostitutes—and in this humiliating company, she meets Lord Orville again. Sure that he can never respect her now, she is stunned when he seeks her out in London's unfashionable section and seems interested in renewing their acquaintance. When an insulting and brash letter supposedly from Lord Orville devastates her and makes her believe she misperceived him, she returns home to Berry Hill and falls ill.

Slowly recuperating from her illness, Evelina agrees to accompany her neighbour, a sarcastically tempered widow named Mrs. Selwyn, to the resort town of Clifton Heights, where she unwillingly attracts the attention of womanizer Lord Merton, on the eve of his marriage to Lord Orville's sister, Lady Louisa Larpent. Aware of Lord Orville's arrival, Evelina tries to distance herself from him because of his impertinent letter, but his gentle manners work their spell until she is torn between attraction to him and belief in his past duplicity.

The unexpected appearance of Mr. Macartney reveals an unexpected streak of jealousy in the seemingly imperturbable Lord Orville. Convinced that Macartney is a rival for Evelina's affections, Lord Orville withdraws. However, Macartney has intended only to repay his financial debt to Evelina.

Lord Orville's genuine affection for Evelina and her assurances that she and Macartney are not involved finally win out over Orville's jealousy, and he secures a meeting between Evelina and Macartney. It appears that all doubts have been resolved between Lord Orville and Evelina, especially when Mrs. Selwyn informs her that she overheard Lord Orville arguing with Sir Clement Willoughby about the latter's inappropriate attentions to Evelina. Lord Orville proposes, much to Evelina's delight. However, Evelina is distraught at the continuing gulf between herself and her father and the mystery surrounding his false daughter. Finally, Mrs. Selwyn is able to secure a surprise meeting with Sir John. When he sees Evelina, he is horrified and guilt-stricken because she clearly resembles her mother, Caroline. This means that the other Miss Belmont (the false daughter) is recognized as a fraud. Evelina is able to ease his guilt with her repeated gentle pardons and the delivery of a letter written by her mother on her deathbed in which she forgives Sir John for his behaviour if he will remove her ignominy (by acknowledging their marriage) and acknowledge Evelina as his legitimate daughter.

Mrs Clifton, Berry Hill's longtime housekeeper, is able to reveal the second Miss Belmont's parentage. She identifies Polly Green, Evelina's former wet nurse, mother of a girl 6 weeks older than Evelina, as the perpetrator of the fraud. Polly has been passing her own daughter off as that of Sir John and Caroline for the past 18 years, hoping to secure a better future for her. Ultimately, Lord Orville suggests that the unfortunate girl be named co-heiress with Evelina; kindhearted Evelina is delighted.

Finally, Sir Clement Willoughby writes to Evelina, confessing that he had written the insulting letter (she had already suspected this), hoping to separate Evelina and Lord Orville. In Paris, Mr. Macartney is reunited with the false Miss Belmont, his former beloved: separated by Sir John, at first because Macartney was too poor and lowly to marry his purported daughter, and then because his affair with Macartney's mother would have made the sweethearts brother and sister, they are now able to marry because Miss "Belmont"'s true parentage has been revealed and the two are not related at all. They are married in a joint ceremony alongside Evelina and Lord Orville, who decide to visit Reverend Villars at Berry Hill for their honeymoon trip.


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