Fifty Famous Stories Retold

Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin is a collection of short stories that give a snapshot into the life of a legendary hero or an event in history. Hear how Alexander the Great tamed Bucephalus, the kindness of Doctor Goldsmith, William Tell, George Washington and his hatchet, King Alfred as well as many other interesting tales.

By : James Baldwin (1841 - 1925)

James Baldwin was born in Indiana, United States and made a career as an educator and administrator in that state starting at the age of 24. He served as the superintendent of Indiana's school system for eighteen years and then went on to become a widely published textbook editor and children's author in the subjects of legends, mythology, biography, and literature, among others. He wrote more than fifty books, the most famous of which include Fifty Famous Stories Retold (1896) and Abraham Lincoln, a True Life (1904).

00 - Concerning These Stories

01 - King Alfred and the Cakes

02 - King Alfred and the Beggar

03 - King Canute on the Seashore

04 - The Sons of William the Conqueror

05 - The White Ship

06 - King John and the Abbot

07 - A Story of Robin Hood

08 - Bruce and the Spider

09 - The Black Douglas

10 - Three Men of Gotham

11 - Other Wise Men of Gotham

12 - The Miller of the Dee

13 - Sir Philip Sidney

14 - The Ungrateful Soldier

15 - Sir Humphrey Gilbert

16 - Sir Walter Raleigh

17 - Pocahontas

18 - George Washington and His Hatchet

19 - Grace Darling

20 - The Story of William Tell

21 - Arnold Winklereid

22 - The Bell of Atri

23 - How Napolean Crossed the Alps

24 - The Story of Cincinnatus

25 - The Story of Regulus

26 - Cornelia's Jewels

27 - Androclus and the Lion

28 - Horatius at the Bridge

29 - Julius Caesar

30 - The Sword of Damocles

31 - Damon and Pythias

32 - A Laconic Answer

33 - The Ungrateful Guest

34 - Alexander and Bucephalus

35 - Diogenes the Wise Man

36 - The Brave Three Hundred

37 - Socrates and His House

38 - The King and His Hawk

39 - Doctor Goldsmith

40 - The Kingdoms

41 - The Barmecide Feast

42 - The Endless Tale

43 - The Blind Men and the Elephant

44 - Maximillian and the Goose Boy

45 - The Inchcape Rock

46 - Whittington and His Cat

47 - Casabianca

48 - Antonio Canova

49 - Picciola

50 - Mignon


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