The Prodigal Village A Christmas Tale

Small town life in early twentieth century New York state. This is a piquant parable of human nature. Bacheller's lightly humorous voice is evident throughout. Not all listeners will agree with the author's view of labor and management.

By : Irving Bacheller (1859 - 1950)

01 - Chapter 1: Which Introduces The Shepherd Of The Birds

02 - Chapter 2: The Founding Of The Phyllistines

03 - Chapter 3: Which Tells Of The Complaining Coin And The Man Who Lost His Self

04 - Chapter 4: In Which Mr. Israel Sneed And Other Working Men Receive A Lesson In True Democracy

05 - Chapter 5: In Which J. Patterson Bing Buys A Necklace Of Pearls

06 - Chapter 6: In Which Mr. Hiram Blenkinsop Has A Number Of Adventures

07 - Chapter 7: In Which High Voltage Develops In The Conversation

08 - Chapter 8: In Which Judge Crooker Delivers A Few Opinions

09 - Chapter 9: Which Tells Of A Merry Christmas Day In The Little Cottage Of The Widow Moran


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