Adrift in New York

John Linden is a very wealthy man. The people who should inherit his property are his nephew, Curtis Waring, his niece Florence Linden, and his long lost son - if alive. John thinks it would be best if Florence and Curtis were married, and makes it a requirement if Florence wishes to have any of the property.

A boy named Dodger was sent to steal one of the wills of John Linden so that Curtis would inherit all the property. But Florence prevents Dodger from stealing, and they become friends… To the shock of her uncle and cousin, she decides to leave her uncle's house with Dodger instead of marrying Curtis. And what then? Would she be able to get used to being poor? And will she be poor for ever? Adrift in New York?

By : Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832 - 1899)

01 - Chapters One and Two

02 - Chapters Three and Four

03 - Chapters Five and Six

04 - Chapters Seven and Eight

05 - Chapters Nine and Ten

06 - Chapters Eleven and Twelve

07 - Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen

08 - Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen

09 - Chapters Seventeen and Eighteen

10 - Chapters Nineteen and Twenty

11 - Chapters Twenty-One and Twenty-Two

12 - Chapters Twenty-three and Twenty-four

13 - Chapters Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six

14 - Chapters Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight

15 - Chapters Twenty-Nine and Thirty

16 - Chapters Thirty-One and Thirty-Two

17 - Chapters Thirty-Three and Thirty-Four

18 - Chapters Thirty-Five and Thirty-Six

19 - Chapters Thirty-Seven and Thirty-Eight


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