Rainbow Valley

Rainbow Valley, the seventh book in the Anne of Green Gables series explores the world of Anne & Gilbert’s six children along with the exploits of the Merediths, the children of the town’s new minister. With no mother and an absent-minded father, the Meredith children are not being properly brought up. This leads to their many adventures causing the ladies of the town to gossip, risking their father's job. These kind-hearted, but misguided children fumble their way through bringing themselves up, and learn about life and love along the way.

By : Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942)

01 - Home Again

02 - Sheer Gossip

03 - The Ingleside Children

04 - The Manse Children

05 - The Advent of Mary Vanse

06 - Mary Stays at the Manse

07 - A Fishy Episode

08 - Miss Cornelia Intervenes

09 - Una Intervenes

10 - The Manse Girls Clean House

11 - A Dreadful Discovery

12 - An Explanation and a Dare

13 - The House on the Hill

14 - Mrs. Alec Davis Makes a Call

15 - More Gossip

16 - Tit for Tat

17 - A Double Victory

18 - Mary Brings Evil Tidings

19 - Poor Adam!

20 - Faith Makes a Friend

21 - The Impossible Word

22 - St. George Knows All About It

23 - The Good-Conduct Club

24 - A Charitable Impulse

25 - Another Scandal and Another

26 - Miss Cornelia Gets a New Point of View

27 - A Sacred Concert

28 - A Fast Day

29 - A Weird Tale

30 - The Ghost on the Dyke

31 - Carl Does Penance

32 - Two Stubborn People

33 - Carl Is--not--whipped

34 - Una Visits the Hill

35 - "Let the Piper Come"

Anne Shirley has now been married to Gilbert Blythe for 15 years, and the couple have six children: Jem, Walter, Nan, Di, Shirley, and Rilla.

After a trip to London, Anne returns to the news that a new minister has arrived in Glen St. Mary. John Meredith is a widower with four young children: Gerald (Jerry), Faith, Una, and Thomas Carlyle (Carl). The children have not been properly brought up since the death of their mother, with only their father (who is easily absorbed by matters of theology) to parent them. The children are considered wild and mischievous by many of the families in the village (who tend only to hear about the Meredith children when they have gotten into some kind of scrape), causing them to question Mr. Meredith's parenting skills and his suitability as a minister.

For most of the book, only the Blythes know of the Meredith children's loyalty and kindness. They rescue an orphaned girl, Mary Vance, from starvation, and Una finds a home for her with Mrs. Marshall Elliott. When the children get into trouble, Faith sometimes tries to explain their behavior to the townsfolk, which generally causes an even bigger scandal.

The Merediths, Blythes, and Mary Vance often play in a hollow called Rainbow Valley, which becomes a gathering place for the children in the book. Jem Blythe tries to help the Merediths behave better by forming the "Good-Conduct Club," in which the Merediths punish themselves for misdeeds. Their self-imposed punishments lead to Carl becoming very ill with pneumonia after spending hours in a graveyard on a wet night, and to Una fainting in church after fasting all day. When this happens, John Meredith is wracked with guilt over his failings as a father.

Mr. Meredith realizes that he should marry again and give the children a mother, though he has always thought he will never love anyone again as he did his late wife. He is surprised to find that he has fallen in love with Rosemary West, a woman in her late thirties who lives with her sister Ellen, who is ten years older. John proposes marriage to Rosemary, but Ellen forbids Rosemary from accepting, as years earlier they had promised each other never to leave the other following the deaths of their parents. However, Ellen eventually reunites with her childhood beau, Norman Douglas, who asks Rosemary to release Ellen from her promise so she can marry Norman. Rosemary agrees, but now thinks that John Meredith hates her.

Una overhears her father expressing feelings for Rosemary and goes to ask Rosemary to marry her father despite her misgivings about stepmothers, who Mary Vance has told her are always mean. Rosemary sets her mind at ease and agrees to speak to John Meredith again. They become engaged, and Rosemary and Ellen plan a double wedding in the fall.


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