The People of the Abyss

The People of the Abyss is a book by Jack London about life in the East End of London in 1902. He wrote this first-hand account after living in the East End (including the Whitechapel District) for several weeks, sometimes staying in workhouses or sleeping on the streets. In his attempt to understand the working-class of this deprived area of London the author stayed as a lodger with a poor family. The conditions he experienced and wrote about were the same as those endured by an estimated 500,000 of the contemporary London poor.

By : Jack London (1876 - 1916)

01 - Preface; Chapter One - The Descent

02 - Chapter Two - Johnny Upright

03 - Chapter Three - My Lodging and Some Others

04 - Chapter Four - A Man and the Abyss

05 - Chapter Five - Those on the Edge

06 - Chapter Six - Frying-Pan Alley and a Glimpse of Inferno

07 - Chapter Seven - A Winner of the Victoria Cross

08 - Chapter Eight - The Carter and the Carpenter

09 - Chapter Nine - The Spike

10 - Chapter Ten - Carrying the Banner

11 - Chapter Eleven - The Peg

12 - Chapter Twelve - Coronation Day

13 - Chapter Thirteen - Dan Cullen, Docker

14 - Chapter Fourteen - Hops and Hoppers

15 - Chapter Fifteen - The Sea Wife

16 - Chapter Sixteen - Property versus People

17 - Chapter Seventeen - Inefficiency

18 - Chapter Eighteen - Wages

19 - Chapter Nineteen - The Ghetto

20 - Chapter Twenty - Coffee-Houses and Doss-Houses

21 - Chapter Twenty One - The Precariousness of Life

22 - Chapter Twenty Two - Suicide

23 - Chapter Twenty Three: The Children

24 - Chapter Twenty Four: A Vision of the Night

25 - Chapter Twenty Five: The Hunger Wail

26 - Chapter Twenty Six: Drink, Temperance and Thrift

27 - Chapter Twenty Seven: The Management

The experiences related in this volume fell to me in the summer of 1902.  I went down into the under-world of London with an attitude of mind which I may best liken to that of the explorer.  I was open to be convinced by the evidence of my eyes, rather than by the teachings of those who had not seen, or by the words of those who had seen and gone before.  Further, I took with me certain simple criteria with which to measure the life of the under-world.  That which made for more life, for physical and spiritual health, was good; that which made for less life, which hurt, and dwarfed, and distorted life, was bad.

It will be readily apparent to the reader that I saw much that was bad.  Yet it must not be forgotten that the time of which I write was considered “good times” in England.  The starvation and lack of shelter I encountered constituted a chronic condition of misery which is never wiped out, even in the periods of greatest prosperity.

Following the summer in question came a hard winter.  Great numbers of the unemployed formed into processions, as many as a dozen at a time, and daily marched through the streets of London crying for bread.  Mr. Justin McCarthy, writing in the month of January 1903, to the New York Independent, briefly epitomises the situation as follows:-

“The workhouses have no space left in which to pack the starving crowds who are craving every day and night at their doors for food and shelter.  All the charitable institutions have exhausted their means in trying to raise supplies of food for the famishing residents of the garrets and cellars of London lanes and alleys.  The quarters of the Salvation Army in various parts of London are nightly besieged by hosts of the unemployed and the hungry for whom neither shelter nor the means of sustenance can be provided.”

It has been urged that the criticism I have passed on things as they are in England is too pessimistic.  I must say, in extenuation, that of optimists I am the most optimistic.  But I measure manhood less by political aggregations than by individuals.  Society grows, while political machines rack to pieces and become “scrap.”  For the English, so far as manhood and womanhood and health and happiness go, I see a broad and smiling future.  But for a great deal of the political machinery, which at present mismanages for them, I see nothing else than the scrap heap.


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