Billy in Bunbury

This poem/recipe book, designed as promotional material for the Royal Baking Powder Company, is set in the Oz community of Bunbury. Little Billy, who won't eat, is taken to the delicious kingdom Bunbury by King Hun Bun to help whet his appetite. Meanwhile, the King leaves the boy's mother with a recipe book for treats, made easy by the use of Price's Baking Powder.

Written by Ruth Plumly Thompson, though neither her name, nor the illustrator’s (Gertrude Kay) appears on the book.

01 - Billy in Bunbury

02 - The Recipes

Bunbury is a tasteful town
Beside a syrup sea,
Where sponge cake fish and waffle whales
Disport themselves in glee.
Bunbury’s streets are good to eat
Of that make no mistake,
For Bunbury’s streets are made, you know,
Of finest marble cake.


1¾ cups flour
2 tablespoons cocoa
5 tablespoons sugar
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
4 teaspoons Dr. Price’s Baking Powder
⅔ cup raisins
⅞ cup milk
5 tablespoons melted shortening
Sift together flour, cocoa, sugar, salt, cinnamon and baking powder. Add raisins, then milk slowly to make a smooth batter. Add shortening and mix thoroughly. Put 1 tablespoon batter in each greased muffin tin and bake in moderate oven (400°) for about 20 minutes.

Makes 16 muffins.


1 cup flour
1 cup graham flour
¾ teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons Dr. Price’s Baking Powder
1 cup milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons sugar or molasses
4 tablespoons melted shortening
Mix together dry ingredients. Add milk, beaten egg, molasses, if used, and shortening. Stir until smooth. Half fill each greased gem pan. Drop in center a stoned date, a teaspoon currant jelly, candied cherry or other fruit. Add teaspoon of batter and bake in moderate oven (375°) about 25 minutes.

Makes 12 muffins.

Its fences are of pie crust
And its houses built of buns,
With frosted roofs and raisins
On the most important ones.
Bunbury has fine doughnut trees
Beside a chocolate fountain,
And just outside the town you’ll find
A giant layer cake mountain.
Its people are too cunning
And too sweet for any use;
There’s spry Pop Over, Johnny Cake
And dainty Charlotte Russe.
The moon’s a muffin, and the sun
A hot cake warm and mellow.
Its gentle rays make Bunbury folk
A tempting brownish yellow!
And when it snows, marshmallow
Covers everything with icing—
The houses, and the people, too,
Look even more enticing.
Bunbury’s folk oft gather round
Ye Coffee Ring, and tell
The news about young Johnny Cake—
Who’s courting Patty Shell!

Bunbury’s vaults are filled with gems
For Hun Bun, the bun boy king.
He has gems to burn (but doesn’t)
Burnt gems are not the thing.
The reason why this little town
So gay and sweet and nice is
Because each cake and cooky there
Was raised on Dr. Price’s!
Now one day as the cooky clock
In taffy tower tolled,
Flap Jack, the King’s own messenger
Into the castle rolled.
“Your Bunship!” puffed the little Jack,
“I bring surprising news!
There is a little lad near here
Too skinny for his shoes.
“He will not eat his breakfast
And he will not eat his lunch.
He’s lost his taste for baseball
And completely lost his punch!”...


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