Jill the Reckless

Jill had money, Jill was engaged to be married to Sir Derek Underhill. Suddenly Jill becomes penniless, and she is no longer engaged. With a smile, in which there is just a tinge of recklessness, she refuses to be beaten and turns to face the world. Instead she went to New York and became a member of the chorus of "The Rose of America," and Mr. Wodehouse is enabled to lift the curtain of the musical comedy world.

There is laughter and drama in _Jill the Reckless_, and the action never flags from the moment that Freddie Rooke confesses that he has had a hectic night, down to the point where Wally says briefly "Let 'em," which is page 313.

The heroine here, Jill Mariner, is a young woman from the lower end of the upper class. We follow her through financial disaster, a broken engagement, an awkward stay with some grasping relatives, employment as a chorus girl, and of course, the finding of true love. Other characters include wealthy Drone Freddie Rooke and writer Wally Mason, her childhood friends; her financially inept uncle Major Christopher Selby; her fiancée at the beginning of the book, the M.P Derek Underhill, and his domineering mother, Lady Underhill; Jill's unpleasant relatives, Elmer and Julia Mariner; more Drones Club members, various chorus girls, composers and other theatrical types, and, of course, miscellaneous servants.

By : P. G. Wodehouse (1881 - 1975)

01 - The Family Curse

02 - The First Night at the Leicester

03 - Jill and the Unknown Escape

04 - The Last of the Rookes Takes a Hand

05 - Lady Underhill Receives a Shock

06 - Uncle Chris Bangs the Table

07 - Jill Catches the 10.10

08 - The Dry--Salters Wing Derek

09 - Jill in Search of an Uncle

10 - Jill Ignores Authority

11 - Mr. Pilkington's Love Light

12 - Uncle Chris Borrows a Flat

13 - The Ambassador Arrives

14 - Mr. Goble Makes the Big Noise

15 - Jill Explains

16 - Mr. Goble Plays with Fate

17 - The Cost of a Row

18 - Jill Receives Notice

19 - Mrs. Peagrim Burns Incense

20 - Derek Loses One Bird and Secures Another

21 - Wally Mason Learns a New Exercise


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