The Iliad for Boys and Girls

Alfred J. Church wrote many books looking at classical literature, but is especially well known for his re-telling of classic books in a style so that younger readers may follow the story. The Iliad for Boys and Girls is a retelling of Homer’s Iliad, centred around the events of the siege of Troy during the final year.

By : Alfred John Church (1829 - 1912)

01 - Of How the War with Troy Began

02 - The Quarrel

03 - What Thetis Did for Her Son

04 - The Duel of Paris and Menelaus

05 - How the Oath Was Broken

06 - The Great Deeds of Diomed

07 - Concerning Other Valiant Deeds

08 - Of Glaucus and Diomed

09 - Hector and Andromache

10 - How Hector and Ajax Fought

11 - The Battle on the Plain

12 - The Repentance of Agmemnon

13 - The Embassy to Achilles

14 - The Story of Old Pheonix

15 - The Adventure Of Diomed and Ulysses

16 - The Wounding Of The Chiefs

17 - The Battle At The Wall

18 - The Battle At The Ships

19 - The Deeds And Death of Patroclus

20 - The Rousing Of Achillies

21 - The Making Of The Arms

22 - The Quarrel Ended

23 - The Battle At The River

24 - The Slaying Of Hector

25 - The Ransoming Of Hector and The End Of Troy

Once upon a time there was a certain King of Sparta who had a most beautiful daughter, Helen by name. There was not a prince in Greece but wished to marry her. The King said to them: "Now you must all swear that you will be good friends with the man whom my daughter shall choose for her husband, and that if any one is wicked enough to steal her away from him, you will help him get her back." And this they did. Then the Fair Helen chose a prince whose name was Menelaüs, brother of Agamemnon, who reigned in Mycenæ, and was the chief of all the Kings of Greece. After a while Helen's father died, and her husband became King of Sparta. The two lived happily together till there came to Sparta a young prince, Paris by name, who was son of Priam, King of Troy. This Paris carried off the Fair Helen, and with her much gold and many precious stones.

Menelaüs and his brother Agamemnon sent to the princes of Greece and said, "Now you must keep your oath, and help us to get back the Fair Helen." So they all came to a place called Aulis, with many ships and men. Others also who had not taken the oath came with them. The greatest of these chiefs were these:—

Diomed, son of Tydeus; Ajax the Greater and Ajax the Less, and Teucer the Archer, who was brother of Ajax the Greater.

Nestor, who was the oldest man in the world.

The wise Ulysses.

Achilles, who was the bravest and strongest of all the Greeks, and with him his dear friend Patroclus.

For nine years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy, but they could not break through the walls; and as they had been away from their homes for all this time, they came to be in great want of food and clothes and other things. So they left part of the army to watch the city, and with part they went about and spoiled other cities. Thus came about the great quarrel of which I am now going to tell.


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