Hellenic History

"The purpose of this volume is to present in brief scope the evolution of Greek civilization a culture simple in its essential unity, although seemingly complex in its many and wide ramifications. In the conviction that the chief aim of history is to explain the present, the author has centered his attention on those phases of Greek life which have influenced to a marked degree the civilization of today." "In short this book represents an effort to combine political, economic, social and cultural history in one synthesis, centering attention on those factors which have contributed essentially to modern civilization." "The Hellenic History is intended to serve primarily as a text-book for college courses in Greek history, and as a guide to the reader who is interested in one or more phases of Greek achievement."

By : George Willis Botsford (1862 - 1917)

00 - Introduction

01 - Country and People

02 - The Minoan Age

03 - The Middle Age: Transition from Minoan to Hellenic Life

04 - Economic Growth and Colonial Expansion

05 - Evolution of the City-State, Amphictyonies and Leagues

06 - Crete, Lacedaemon and the Peleponnesian League

07 - Athens: From Monarchy to Democracy

08 - Intellectual Awakening: 1, Social and Literary Progress

09 - Intellectual Awakening: 2, Religious, Moral and Scientific Progress

10 - Conquest of the Asiatic Greeks by the Lydians and Persians

11 - The War with Persia and Carthage

12 - The Age of the War Heroes: 1, Political and Economic

13 - The Age of the War Heroes: 2, Society and Culture

14 - The Age of Pericles: 1, Imperialism

15 - The Age of Pericles: 2, The Athenian Democracy

16 - The Age of Pericles: 3, Society and Public Works

17 - The Age of Pericles: 4, Thought, Culture and Character

18 - The Peloponnesian War to the Beginning of the Sicilian Expedition

19 - The Sicilian Expedition and the Last Years of the War

20 - A Cultural Revolution

21 - The Lacedaemonian Empire and the Ascendancy of Thebes

22 - Sicily and Magna Graecia

23 - The Rise of Macedon to 337

24 - Economy and Society

25 - Social Aspects of the State

26 - Art and Intelligence in the Fourth Century

27 - Alexander's Empire and the Hellenistic Kingdoms

28 - The Organization and Administration of the Hellenistic States

29 - Hellenistic Culture: 1, City Construction and Art

30 - Hellenistic Culture: 2, Philosophy, Science and Culture


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