Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist

In 1892, anarchist and Russian émigré Alexander Berkman was apprehended for the failed assassination of industrialist Henry Clay Frick. This was a retaliatory act meant to incite revolution against those who had violently suppressed the Homestead Steel Strike — but for Berkman, it was a crime that ultimately led to his 14 year incarceration in Pennsylvania’s notorious Western Penitentiary. First published by Emma Goldman’s Mother Earth Press, Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist is a classic of autobiographical literature that recounts his experiences in the brutal, dehumanizing world of America's prison system.

By : Alexander Berkman (1870 - 1936)

00 - As Introductory

01 - The Call of Homestead

02 - The Seat of War

03 - The Spirit of Pittsburgh

04 - The Attentat

05 - The Third Degree

06 - The Jail

07 - The Trial

08 - Desperate Thoughts

09 - The Will to Live

10 - Spectral Silence

11 - A Ray of Light

12 - The Shop

13 - My First Letter

14 - Wingie

15 - To the Girl

16 - Persecution

17 - The Yegg

18 - The Route Sub Rosa

19 - ''Zuchthausbluethen''

20 - The Judas

21 - The Dip

22 - The Urge of Sex

23 - The Warden's Threat

24 - The ''Basket'' Cell

25 - The Solitary

26 - Memory-Guests

27 - A Day in the Cell-House

28 - The Deeds of the Good to the Evil

29 - The Grist of the Prison-Mill

30 - The Scales of Justice

31 - Thoughts that Stole Out of Prison

32 - How Shall the Depths Cry?

33 - Hiding the Evidence

34 - Love's Dungeon Flower

35 - For Safety

36 - Dreams of Freedom

37 - Whitewashed Again

38 - ''And by All Forgot, We Rot and Rot''

39 - The Deviousness of Reform Law Applied

40 - The Tunnel

41 - The Death of Dick

42 - An Alliance With the Birds

43 - The Underground

44 - Anxious Days

45 - ''How Men Their Brothers Maim''

46 - A New Plan of Escape

47 - Done to Death

48 - The Shock at Buffalo

49 - Marred Lives

50 - ''Passing the Love of Woman''

51 - Love's Daring

52 - The Bloom of ''The Barren Staff''

53 - A Child's Heart-Hunger

54 - Chum

55 - Last Days

56 - The Workhouse

57 - The Resurrection

The book begins with the details of how Berkman came to be imprisoned: as an anarchist activist, he had attempted to assassinate wealthy industrialist Henry Clay Frick, manager of the Carnegie steel works in Pennsylvania. Frick had been responsible for crushing the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers during the Homestead Strike, in which nine union workers and seven guards were killed. However, although Berkman shot Frick two times -Berkman was subdued before the third shot- and stabbed him several times in the leg with a poisoned knife, Frick survived, and Berkman was sentenced to 22 years in prison. Berkman had hoped to awaken the consciousness of the oppressed American people—an attentat—but, as the book goes on to detail, America lacked the political culture to interpret his actions. Even fellow prisoners from the union he was defending failed to see his political intent.

The bulk of the book is set during Berkman's years in prison. Written in first-person, present-tense English (a language that was new to Berkman), it reads like a diary, though it was in fact written after Berkman's release. It is a coming-of-age story that tracks Berkman's difficult loss of his youthful sentimental idealism as he struggles with the physical and psychological conditions of prison life, at times bringing him to the verge of suicide.

As he gets to know the other prisoners, he has nothing but disdain and disgust for them as people, though he sees them as victims of an unjust system. "They are not of my world", he writes. "I would aid them", he says, being "duty bound to the victims of social injustice. But I cannot be friends with them ... they touch no chord in my heart." Gradually, though, Berkman's self-imposed distance and moral high ground begins to crumble as he comes to see the flawed humanity in everyone, including himself.

The Prison Memoirs is also, in part, a tribute to his relationship with fellow anarchist Emma Goldman, to whom he refers repeatedly throughout the book as "the Girl". She is the only person to maintain correspondence with Berkman in prison, and defends him from criticism on the outside, helping him upon his release. The book tracks the development of Berkman's ideas on political violence, and his ruminations often read like a dialog with Goldman, whom he knows intimately.

One of the notable features of the Prison Memoirs is its treatment of homosexuality in prison. Carol Douglas, writing of the book in off our backs, says that Berkman "described how his initial horror at homosexuality in the prison where he was confined gave way to love for another man". In his 2008 study, Free Comrades: Anarchism and Homosexuality in the United States, 1895–1917, Terence Kissack describes Prison Memoirs as "one of the most important political texts dealing with homosexuality to have been written by an American before the 1950s".


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