The Complete Confectioner

‘The Complete Confectioner’ gives an insight not only into a diverse range of recipes for desserts, sweet confections and sweetmeats popular for the dining table in 18th & 19th century Britain but also numerous instructions for pickling and preserving fruit and vegetables as well. And, as you might expect from Hannah Glasse’s original cookery book, ‘The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy’, you will find that the recipes and instructions presented here have been penned in her own inimitable no-nonsense style. So, please join me and Mrs Glasse as we again fire up the ovens and hopefully inspire you to re-create a number of these long-forgotten classic recipes that were enjoyed in centuries past.

By : Hannah Glasse (1708 - 1770)

01 - Front Matter

02 - Sugars - Clarify, Boil, Feather etc

03 - Preserves - Part 1

04 - Preserves - Part 2 - From: To Preserve Green Codlings

05 - Preserves - Part 3 - From: To Preserve Cherries Liquid

06 - Fruit Pastes etc

07 - Bomboons, Pastils etc

08 - Conserves and Compotes

09 - Fruit Ices, Cream Ices etc

10 - Marmalades, Jellies, Jams etc

11 - Cakes, Puffs, Biscuits etc - Part 1

12 - Cakes, Puffs, Biscuits etc - Part 2 - From: A Pound Seed Cake

13 - Cakes, Puffs, Biscuits etc - Part 3 - From: Lisbon Cakes

14 - Tarts, Custards, Cheesecakes etc - Part 1

15 - Tarts, Custards, Cheesecakes etc - Part 2 - From: To Make Cheesecakes

16 - Tarts, Custards, Cheesecakes etc - Part 3 - From: To Make Almond Cream

17 - Syllabubs, Blanc-Mange, Flummery etc

18 - Ornaments for Grand Entertainments, Dragees

19 - Miscellaneous Receipts

20 - Syrups and Oils

21 - Bills of Fare

22 - Cordial Waters etc - Part 1

23 - Cordial Waters etc - Part 2 - From: Palsy Water

24 - English Wines - Part 1

25 - English Wines - Part 2 - From: To Make Birch Wine

26 - Artificial Wines etc

27 - Brandy, Cyder etc

28 - Pickles - Part 1

29 - Pickles - Part 2 - From: To Pickle White Plums

30 - Distillation - Part 1

31 - Distillation - Part 2 - From: To Make Lily Water Liquor

The value and importance of a work like the present, must be sufficiently obvious to all Heads of Families, and Persons intrusted with the care of Housekeeping, to require but little to be said in its recommendation. There is, perhaps, no book more wanted than a Complete Confectioner, there being scarcely any extant upon that subject; some little tracts are indeed to be met with, but none on a plan extensive enough for general use. Ladies residing in different parts of the Country, where they have no opportunity of procuring their Confectionaries, will feel the want of such a work; and those who have been accustomed to purchase them will find a considerable reduction in their domestic expences by attention to the valuable receipts contained in this Treatise. To render it at once the most complete and valuable work of that kind extant, neither expence nor pains has been spared; for added to the experience of thirty years, a compilation has been made from Mrs. Glass, and every other work on the subject; and through the Editor may not have to boast of an entire original work, she flatters herself she now presents to the Public, the most complete, extensive, and familiar work of the kind ever published.


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