Uncle Wiggily's Story Book

Dear Children: This is a quite different book from any others you may have read about me. In this volume I have some adventures with real children, like yourselves, as well as with my animal friends.

These stories tell of the joyous, funny, exciting and everyday adventures that happen to you girls and boys. There is the story about a toothache, which you may read, or have read to you, when you want to forget the pain. There is a story of a good boy and a freckled girl. And there is a story about a bad boy, but not everyone is allowed to read that.

There is a story for nearly every occasion in the life of a little boy or girl; about the joys of Christmas, of a birthday; about different animals, about getting lost, and one about falling in a mud puddle. And there are stories about having the measles and mumps, and getting over them.

I hope you will like this book as well as you seem to have cared for the other volumes about me. And you will find some beautiful pictures in this book.

Now, as Nurse Jane is calling me, I shall have to hop along. But I hope you will enjoy these stories.

Your friend,

By : Howard R. Garis (1873 - 1962)

01 - Uncle Wiggily's Toothache

02 - Uncle Wiggily and the Freckled Girl

03 - Uncle Wiggily and the Mud Puddle

04 - Uncle Wiggily and the Bad Boy

05 - Uncle Wiggily and the Good Boy

06 - Uncle Wiggily's Valentine

07 - Uncle Wiggily and the Bad Dog

08 - Uncle Wiggily and Puss in Boots

09 - Uncle Wiggily and the Lost Boy

10 - Uncle Wiggily and Stubby Toes

11 - Uncle Wiggily's Christmas

12 - Uncle Wiggily's Fourth of July

13 - Uncle Wiggily and the Skates

14 - Uncle Wiggily Goes Coasting

15 - Uncle Wiggily's Picnic

16 - Uncle Wiggily's Rain Storm

17 - Uncle Wiggily and the Mumps

18 - Uncle Wiggily and the Measles

19 - Uncle Wiggily and the Chicken-Pox

20 - Uncle Wiggily's Hallowe'en

21 - Uncle Wiggily and the Poor Dog

22 - Uncle Wiggily and the Rich Cat

23 - Uncle Wiggily and the Horse

24 - Uncle Wiggily and the Cow

25 - Uncle Wiggily and the Camping Boys

26 - Uncle Wiggily and the Birthday Cake

27 - Uncle Wiggily and the New Year's Horn

28 - Uncle Wiggily's Thanksgiving

29 - Uncle Wiggily at the Circus

30 - Uncle Wiggily and the Lion

31 - Uncle Wiggily and the Tiger

32 - Uncle Wiggily and the Elephant

33 - Uncle Wiggily and the Camel

34 - Uncle Wiggily and the Wild Rabbit

35 - Uncle Wiggily and the Tame Squirrel

36 - Uncle Wiggily and the Wolf

Uncle Wiggily, an engaging elderly rabbit, is lame from rheumatism. Wherever he goes, he always relies on a red, white, and blue crutch—described as being "striped like a barber-pole", or, in later episodes, "his candy-striped walking cane", with spiral red and white striping like a peppermint candy stick.

Uncle Wiggily is only one of many recurring characters in the series. For example, the Pipsisewah is an unsavory bully who appears as a rhinoceros-like creature. His head has a snout with two small horns and large, snorting nostrils; he wears a black, conical cloth hat and patched scarlet trousers, is stout with a giraffe-skin body and bovine tail, and walks upright on two legs. As do the other characters, he has hands, but bears hooves for feet. He is normally accompanied by the crow-like Skeezicks, in his tall red cap and red-and-yellow-striped suit, and the two of them rarely engage in anything other than mischief harmless to the other characters in the storyline. The Bazumpus, the Crozokus, and the Scuttlemagoon appear less frequently, but are just as outlandish as the aforementioned "Pip" and "Skee", and always require appropriate "handling" by Uncle Wiggily—often with the aid of his animal friends.

There are also several other "bad chaps" in the stories: the Woozy Wolf, Bushy Bear, Skillery Skallery Alligator and the fierce Bobcat, to name but a few. They all seem bent on nibbling the "souse" off Uncle Wiggily's ears, but he always escapes. In shorter, more formulaic stories, his escape is generally enabled by some implement he has just purchased at the store—often while on an errand for his muskrat housekeeper, Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy. For example, Uncle Wiggily once used an umbrella to foil the Skillery Skallery Alligator by thrusting it into the creature's mouth and opening it, thus preventing his biting the old gentleman rabbit.

Uncle Wiggily also encounters amicable animal characters from his neighborhood, such as Sammie and Susie Littletail (Uncle Wiggily's young nephew and niece); Lulu, Alice, and Jimmie Wibblewobble (duck children); Dr. Possum (local physician); Uncle Butter (goat); Charlie and Arabella Chick; Jackie and Peetie Bow-Wow; Billie and Johnnie Bushytail (squirrel boys); Joie, Tommie, and Kittie Kat; Jennie Chipmunk; Munchie Trot (pony boy); Dottie and Willie Lambkin; Neddie and Beckie Stubtail (friendly bear cubs); as well as many others. In shorter stories, we frequently find Uncle Wiggily helping various of these friends out of some kind of predicament just before one of the bad chaps enters the picture, intent on obtaining "ear-nibbles" from their hapless victims. In longer stories, Uncle Wiggily often is off on a camping trip or other extended journey with one of his friends, fending off repeated incursions or baffling mean-spirited pranks from a lurking villain or two—not uncommonly with the aid of his crutch or a "thing-a-ma-bob" he happens to have brought along in his satchel.


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