Whom We Shall Welcome, Report of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization

In 1952, Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, which had many provisions objectionable to many Americans. President Truman vetoed it, but it was passed in June 1952 over the President's veto. President Truman established the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization [in September 1952]. He directed the Commission "to study and evaluate the immigration and naturalization policies of the United States" and to make recommendations "for such legislative, administrative, or other action as in its opinion may be desirable in the interest of the economy, security, and responsibilities of this country." This Report is the result of the Commission's study, and contains the recommendations for an immigration policy best suited, in its judgment, to the interests, needs, and security of the United States.

"The bosom of America is open to receive not only the Opulent and Respectable Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations And Religions; whom we shall wellcome to a participation of all our rights and priveleges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the enjoyment." George Washington, December 2, 1783. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 was superseded by a new immigration policy in 1965

NOTE: Written in the early 1950s, this report contains terms and attitudes not culturally acceptable today (such as using the term "colored" and "wetbacks").

By : The President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalizatio

01 - Introduction

02 - Part 1: Americans Speak on Immigration. Chapter 1a: The Commission's Hearings

03 - Part 1, Chapter 1b

04 - Part 2: Immigration and the American Way of Life. Chapter 2a: Immigration and the American Economy

05 - Part 2, Chapter 2b

06 - Part 2, Chapter 3a: Immigration and Our Foreign Policy

07 - Part 2, Chapter 3b

08 - Part 2, Chapter 3c

09 - Part 3: A Unified Quota System. Chapter 4: The Annual Immigration Quota

10 - Part 3, Chapter 5: National Origins System—Background

11 - Part 3, Chapter 6: National Origins System—Assumptions

12 - Part 3, Chapter 7: National Origins System—Operation

13 - Part 3, Chapter 8: National Origins System—Suggestions to the Commission

14 - Part 3, Chapter 9: A Unified Quota System—The Commission's Recommendation

15 - Part 4: Administration of the Law. Chapter 10a: The Administrative Agency

16 - Part 4, Chapter 10b

17 - Part 4, Chapter 11a: Fair Hearing and Procedure

18 - Part 4, Chapter 11b

19 - Part 4, Chapter 11c

20 - Part 4, Chapter 11d

21 - Part 5: Other Major Aspects. Chapter 12a: The Admission of Aliens

22 - Part 5, Chapter 12b

23 - Part 5, Chapter 13a: The Deporation of Aliens

24 - Part 5, Chapter 13b

25 - Part 5, Chapter 14: Relief in Deportation Cases

26 - Part 5, Chapter 15a: Security Protections

27 - Part 5, Chapter 15b

28 - Part 5, Chapter 16a: Citizenship

29 - Part 5, Chapter 16b

30 - Part 5, Chapter 17: Additional Matters for Consideration

31 - Part 6: Conclusions and Recommendations. Chapter 18: Conclusions

32 - Appendix I-II: Additional Views of Adrian S. Fisher. Order Creating the Commission

33 - Appendix III: The President's Veto Message


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