Puss Junior and Robinson Crusoe

David Cory is the author of more than 40 childrens books. This is the one in his series of Puss in Boots, Jr. The roots fo the legend of Puss in Boots seems to back to Italian folklore. These books are written for younger readers, about second grade and up, hence the "junior" designation

By : David Cory (1872 - 1966)

01 - Jack Sprat

02 - The Yellow Hen

03 - Dickory Dare Pig

04 - Through the Forest

05 - A Turtle and a Fish

06 - Puss Finds a Supper

07 - Arkville

08 - Hotel Ark

09 - All Aboard

10 - Precious Mother Goose

11 - Captain Noah

12 - Forty Days and Forty Nights

13 - Up and Down

14 - Rock-a-By

15 - The Rock-a-By Baby

16 - Sailors Two

17 - A Wonderful Ship

18 - All Aboard

19 - Old Tom

20 - A New Passenger

21 - Over the Water

22 - Custard and Mustard

23 - Rowley Frog

24 - Mrs. Mousey

25 - A Sad Ending

26 - Beaver Dam

27 - Ducklings

28 - A Lesson in Waddling

29 - How to be a Duck

30 - When I Was a Little Boy

31 - Good Riddance

32 - Mr. Fox

33 - Mr. Slipper-Slopper

34 - A Dinner Invitation

35 - Roast Duck

36 - Taffy

37 - A Kind Visit

38 - The Red Beard

39 - Robinson Crusoe

40 - Crusoe Castle

41 - Friday

42 - Supposing

43 - Three Men in a Tub

44 - A Big Fish

45 - Mary Lee

46 - Story-Telling

ONE day as little Puss, Junior, was traveling through New Mother Goose country, he came to a funny little house all covered with rose vines, even up to the top of the small red chimney they grew in crimson splendor. And as Puss stopped to look at the pretty sight, a tiny blue bird in a cage on the front porch began to sing:
"Jack Sprat had a pig,
Who was not very big;
He was not very lean
He was not very fat;
'He'll do for a grunt,'
Says little Jack Sprat."
"Oh, ho," thought Puss, and he turned into the yard and walked around to the little red barn. There stood Jack Sprat himself, leaning against the sty, watching his pig eat his dinner.

Well, just then, all of a sudden, a swarm of golden bees came humming into the little farmyard, and before long they had made a home in the empty beehive that stood close by.

"You have brought me luck," said little Jack Sprat, turning to Puss. "Now I shall have honey, and with bees and a pig I shall grow rich and supply all Mother Goose Country with good things to eat." And would you believe it, the pig began to grow fat, and the bees to buzz out of the hive and wing their way over to the roses for sweets with which to make their honey.

Then Jack Sprat asked Puss to come into his little house, and when he went to the cupboard to look for bread and butter, he found all kinds of good things to eat.

"What luck you have brought me," said little Jack Sprat, but Puss was as much surprised as he. But pretty soon when they had sat down to the table, they heard a strange little voice from the hearth, and looking down they saw a tiny black cricket, who began to sing:

"I'm just a little cricket,
But if you'll let me stay
Within your house this winter
You will not rue the day."
"It is the little cricket that brings you luck," said truthful little Puss, Junior. And then Jack Sprat began to laugh happily, for up to this time the pig was the only thing he owned, and that wasn't very much, let me tell you. Oh, dear, no. Not in these hard times when eggs are worth their weight in gold and a gallon of milk costs a ton of silver.

Well, by and by, Puss, Junior, once more went on his way, and perhaps pretty soon he'll find his father, the famous Puss in Boots, unless,

A great big husky giant
Jumps into a trolley car,
And turns the coin box upside down
To see how many nickels there are.


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