Pee-Wee Harris in Luck

Another episode in the life of the loveable Pee-Wee Harris, Boy Scout and Boy of Superior Appetite, who always lands on his feet, even when things don't turn out as planned.

By : Percy Keese Fitzhugh (1876 - 1950)

01 - The Art of Choosing

02 - 'They're Off'

03 - Some Doings

04 - Action

05 - Pals

06 - The Woods Trail

07 - The Hero

08 - Pee-Wee Goes To It

09 - A Vision of Splendor

10 - Another Vision of Splendor

11 - Hope Triumphant

12 - Deserted

13 - Hope Advances Against Snailsdale

14 - Forward, March!

15 - Handling the Crowd

16 - The Milky Way Falls Down

17 - The Last Sally

18 - Chaos and Confusion

19 - Going Down

20 - In the Fog

21 - Every Which Way

22 - At the Cross-Road

23 - En-Route

24 - Side-Tracked

25 - Pee-Wee's Luck

26 - The Two Perfectly Lovely Fellows

27 - The Last Laugh

28 - The Outsider

29 - Three of a Kind

30 - As Luck Would Have It

31 - The Third House

32 - Marooned

33 - In the Dead of Night

34 - The Clue

35 - Pee-Wee, Scout

36 - The Last Destination

Pee-wee Harris first appeared in 1915 as a supporting character in Fitzhugh’s series of novels about the Boy Scouts of "Troop 1, Bridgeboro, NJ". Though Pee-wee is small of stature and young of age, he is the quintessential First Class Boy Scout. He is almost always wearing one of his many Scout uniforms, and carries a compass, a pocketknife, a belt axe, and some food to appease his never-ending appetite. His fellow Scouts would say that "Pee-wee is not in the Boy Scouts, the Boy Scouts are in him."

His adventures were so numerous that in 1922 Pee-wee was given a book series of his own. The series revolves around him using Scouting skills such as signaling and stalking to have adventures and solve mysteries. The hero of these stories usually gets himself into predicaments through his enthusiasm for the Scout way and his noble intentions. But Pee-wee is the kind of boy who always lands on his feet. He takes a situation that he manages to screw up with his zeal and, with his Scout knowledge and a huge dose of luck, always seems to come out on top. “Even when he loses, he wins”. The series also featured other Scouts from the "First Bridgeboro Troop" such as Tom Slade, Roy Blakeley, and Westy Martin, who each also had their own series of books, the first two preceding the Pee-wee series and the last following it. The Pee-wee Harris book series ran until 1930.

Like many of the Scouts in Fitzhugh's novels, Pee-wee was based on a real person, in Pee-wee's case – one Al Gar Bloom, whose father ran a newsstand near Fitzhugh's studio in Hackensack, New Jersey. Al, himself a Scout, would regularly pester Mr. Fitzhugh to see the manuscripts before they were sent off to his publisher. When the Pee-wee Harris series began; Al was the natural choice as the Scout who would grace the cover of the first volume. Al lived in Hackensack for many years, eventually becoming a reporter for the Bergen Evening Record. In an interview given in the 1970s, Al had this to say about PKF’s books: “Fitzhugh’s books – moral, humorous – were well suited to my generation just as the Rover Boys, Horatio Alger and Oliver Optic were rigidly keyed to the moral tone and drive for material success of their respective eras.”


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