The Fanatics

This is a story about a town in Ohio during the civil war. The town is divided by ideology, but can they be united by love and respect?

Note to listeners: Because of the subject of this book, some of the ideas described and the words used can be offensive.

By : Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872 - 1906)

01 - Love And Politics

02 - The Parting Of Two Ways

03 - Preparation

04 - Sons And Fathers

05 - The Pomp And Circumstance

06 - A Lone Fight

07 - Divided Houses

08 - As A Man Thinketh In His Heart

09 - A Letter From The Front

10 - Sorrow May Last For A Night

11 - At Home

12 - A Journey South

13 - A Stewart Comes To His Own

14 - The Contrabands

15 - License Or Liberty

16 - Dolly And Walter

17 - When Love Stands Guard

18 - An Affair Of Honor

19 - Justice

20 - The Vision Of The Black Rider

21 - A Vague Quest

22 - The Homecoming Of The Captain

23 - A Troublesome Secret

24 - Robert Van Doren Goes Home

25 - Conclusion

Paul Laurence Dunbar was an American poet, novelist, and playwright of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in Dayton, Ohio to parents who were enslaved in Kentucky before the American Civil War, Dunbar began to write stories and verse as a child and published his first poems at the age of 16 in a Dayton newspaper. He was also president of his high school's literary society.

Much of Dunbar's more popular work in his lifetime was written in the "Negro dialect" associated with the antebellum South, though he also used the Midwestern regional dialect of James Whitcomb Riley. Dunbar's work was praised by William Dean Howells, a leading editor associated with the Harper's Weekly, and Dunbar was one of the first African-American writers to establish an international reputation. He wrote the lyrics for the musical comedy In Dahomey (1903), the first all-African-American musical produced on Broadway in New York. The musical later toured in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Dunbar also wrote in conventional English in other poetry and novels. Since the late 20th century, scholars have become more interested in these other works. Suffering from tuberculosis, which then had no cure, Dunbar died in Dayton, Ohio at the age of 33.


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