Think well on't

Richard Challoner was an English Roman Catholic bishop. He is perhaps most famous for his revision of the Douay–Rheims translation of the Bible. In this work he gives reflections on the general truths about the Christian religion for each day of the month. He also provides an introduction about how to meditate on them throughout the day.

By : Richard Challoner (1691 - 1781)

01 - Introduction, Days 1, 2

02 - Days 3-5

03 - Days 6-8

04 - Days 9-11

05 - Days 12-14

06 - Days 15-17

07 - Days 18-20

08 - Days 21-23

09 - Days 24-26

10 - Days 27-29

11 - Days 30, 31




1. Make choice of a proper time and place for recollection; and shut the door of thy heart as much as possible against the world, and its distracting cares and affections.

2. Place thyself in the presence of God, representing him to thyself by a lively faith, as filling heaven and earth with his incomprehensible Majesty; or as residing, with all his attributes, in the very centre of thy own soul. Prostrate thyself in spirit before him, to adore this sovereign Lord; make an offering of thy whole self unto him, and humbly beg pardon for all thy past treasons against him

3. Implore, with fervour and humility, his light and grace, that the great truths of the Gospel may make a due impression upon thy soul, that-thou mayest effectually learn to fear him, and to love him.

4. Read leisurely, and with serious attention, the chapter for the day. Give the soul time to digest what thou art reading ; and pause more particularly on those points which affect thee most.

5. That thy reading may partake the more of the nature of mental prayer, strive to draw from thy considerations such affections as are suitable to the subject; by stirring up, for example, in, the soul, the fear and love of God, a confidence in his goodness, a sense of gratitude for his benefits, the horror of sin, and such like : Open thy heart as much as thou canst to these affections, that so these great and necessary virtues may take the deeper root there.

6. Conclude thy considerations with holy resolutions of amendment of life, insisting in particular, on the failings to which thou art most subject, and firmly determining with thyself, to begin to put these resolutions into execution, on such occasions as may occur that very day,

7. Often reflect in the day time on the chief points of thy consideration; lest the enemy rob thy soul of this divine seed, by making thee quickly forget what thou hast been reading and considering.


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