Eighty Years Ashore and Afloat, or The Thrilling Adventures of Uncle Jethro

Experiences of Jethro Ripley, mainly in the Atlantic coast trade, but including an account of a whaling voyage around Cape Horn. The narrative is in the first person and is a vivid account of the seafaring life in the 1800's.

By : E. C. Cornell

01 - Introductory

02 - His Early History

03 - His First Trip from Home

04 - Another Trip to Connecticut

05 - A Cruise to Labrador

06 - Second Voyage to the Straits

07 - Shipwreck of the Elinor

08 - A Fishery of Olden Times Described

09 - Fishing Voyage and Bad Rum

10 - A Cruise of the Coasting Sloop Eastern Trader

11 - Uncle Jethro Forms the Acquaintance of his Future Bride

12 - Capture of the Whaler Mary Ann, by an English Man-of-War

13 - Almost a Hero

14 - First Voyage in a Square Rigger

15 - A Tyrant in Command

16 - On the Home Stretch

17 - A Trip to New Haven

18 - Chapter 18 Whaling Voyage of the Ship Apollo Part I

19 - Chapter 18 Whaling Voyage of the Ship Apollo Part II

20 - Chapter 18 Whaling Voyage of the Ship Apollo Part III

21 - Chapter 19 Uncle Jethro goes Coasting Part I

22 - Uncle Jethro Next Goes Coasting Part II

23 - A Snake in the Grass

24 - Uncle Jethro in Command of the Fair Lady

25 - A Wrecking Expedition to the Devil's Bridge

26 - A West Indiaman on the South Beach

27 - Uncle Jethro Makes a Harbor at Port Sanders and Forms the Acquaintance of a Wandering Tribe

28 - A Cruise to the Sunny South

29 - A Voyage to Labrador in Sloop Hero

30 - One of the Voyages of Forty Years Ago

31 - The Conclusion


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