Sketches by Boz

A collection of early writings of Charles Dickens under his early pseudonym, "Boz." . Divided into four sections, "Our Parish," "Scenes," "Characters," and "Tales." The first three sections are descriptions of various people and places, and the final section contains fictional short stories.

By : Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

01 - Preface - Our Parish Chapter I—the Beadle. The Parish Engine. The Schoolmaster

02 - Our Parish Chapter Ii—the Curate. The Old Lady. The Half-pay Captain

03 - Our Parish Chapter Iii—the Four Sisters

04 - Our Parish Chapter Iv—the Election For Beadle

05 - Our Parish Chapter V—the Broker’s Man

06 - Our Parish Chapter Vi—the Ladies’ Societies

07 - Our Parish Chapter Vii—our Next-door Neighbour

08 - Scenes Chapter I—the Streets—morning

09 - Scenes Chapter Ii—the Streets—night

10 - Scenes Chapter Iii—shops And Their Tenants

11 - Scenes Chapter Iv—scotland-yard

12 - Scenes Chapter V—seven Dials

13 - Scenes Chapter Vi—meditations In Monmouth-street

14 - Scenes Chapter Vii—hackney-coach Stands

15 - Scenes Chapter Viii—doctors’ Commons

16 - Scenes Chapter Ix—london Recreations

17 - Scenes Chapter X—the River

18 - Scenes Chapter Xi—astley’s

19 - Scenes Chapter Xii—greenwich Fair

20 - Scenes Chapter Xiii—private Theatres

21 - Scenes Chapter Xiv—vauxhall-gardens By Day

22 - Scenes Chapter Xv—early Coaches

23 - Scenes Chapter Xvi—omnibuses

24 - Scenes Chapter Xvii—the Last Cab-driver, And The First Omnibus Cad

25 - Scenes Chapter Xviii—a Parliamentary Sketch

26 - Scenes Chapter Xix—public Dinners

27 - Scenes Chapter Xx—the First Of May

28 - Scenes Chapter Xxi—brokers’ And Marine-store Shops

29 - Scenes Chapter Xxii—gin-shops

30 - Scenes Chapter Xxiii—the Pawnbroker’s Shop

31 - Scenes Chapter Xxiv—criminal Courts

32 - Scenes Chapter Xxv—a Visit To Newgate

33 - Characters Chapter I—thoughts About People

34 - Characters Chapter Ii—a Christmas Dinner

35 - Characters Chapter Iii—the New Year

36 - Characters Chapter Iv—miss Evans And The Eagle

37 - Characters Chapter V—the Parlour Orator

38 - Characters Chapter Vi—the Hospital Patient

39 - Characters Chapter Vii—the Misplaced Attachment Of Mr. John Dounce

40 - Characters Chapter Viii—the Mistaken Milliner. A Tale Of Ambition

41 - Characters Chapter Ix—the Dancing Academy

42 - Characters Chapter X—shabby-genteel People

43 - Characters Chapter Xi—making A Night Of It

44 - Characters Chapter Xii—the Prisoners’ Van

45 - Tales Chapter I—the Boarding-house - Chapter I

46 - Tales Chapter I—the Boarding-house - Chapter The Second

47 - Tales Chapter Ii—mr. Minns And His Cousin

48 - Tales Chapter Iii—sentiment

49 - Tales Chapter Iv—the Tuggses At Ramsgate

50 - Tales Chapter V—horatio Sparkins

51 - Tales Chapter Vi—the Black Veil

52 - Tales Chapter Vii—the Steam Excursion

53 - Tales Chapter Viii—the Great Winglebury Duel

54 - Tales Chapter Ix—mrs. Joseph Porter

55 - Tales Chapter X—a Passage In The Life Of Mr. Watkins Tottle - Chapter The First

56 - Tales Chapter X—a Passage In The Life Of Mr. Watkins Tottle - Chapter The Second

57 - Tales Chapter Xi—the Bloomsbury Christening

58 - Tales Chapter Xii—the Drunkard’s Death

The whole of these Sketches were written and published, one by one, when I was a very young man.  They were collected and republished while I was still a very young man; and sent into the world with all their imperfections (a good many) on their heads.

They comprise my first attempts at authorship—with the exception of certain tragedies achieved at the mature age of eight or ten, and represented with great applause to overflowing nurseries.  I am conscious of their often being extremely crude and ill-considered, and bearing obvious marks of haste and inexperience; particularly in that section of the present volume which is comprised under the general head of Tales.

But as this collection is not originated now, and was very leniently and favourably received when it was first made, I have not felt it right either to remodel or expunge, beyond a few words and phrases here and there.


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