The Secret City

Written in the first person, The Secret City is a novel in three parts of a journey through post World War I Russia and the Revolution, during a period of Civil War and economic collapse. Our hero sets sail in 1916 and is swept up into the Revolution.The memories of a more opulent life remain.

By : Hugh Walpole (1884 - 1941)

01 - Introductory poem and Part I Vera and Nina Chapter 1

02 - Part I Chapter 2

03 - Part I Chapter 3

04 - Part I Chapter 4

05 - Part I Chapter 5

06 - Part I Chapter 6

07 - Part I Chapter 7

08 - Part I Chapter 8

09 - Part I Chapter 9

10 - Part I Chapter 10

11 - Part I Chapter 11

12 - Part I Chapter 12

13 - Part I Chapter 13

14 - Part I Chapter 14

15 - Part I Chapter 15

16 - Part I Chapter 16

17 - Part I Chapter 17

18 - Part I Chapter 18

19 - Part I Chapter 19

20 - Part I Chapter 20

21 - Part I Chapter 21

22 - Part I Chapter 22

23 - Part II Lawence Chapter 1

24 - Part II Chapter 2

25 - Part II Chapter 3

26 - Part II Chapter 4

27 - Part II Chapter 5

28 - Part II Chapter 6

29 - Part II Chapter 7

30 - Part II Chapter 8

31 - Part II Chapter 9

32 - Part II Chapter 10

33 - Part II Chapter 11

34 - Part II Chapter 12

35 - Part II Chapter 12 Continued

36 - Part II Chapter 13

37 - Part II Chapter 14

38 - Part III Markovitch and Semyonov Chapter 1

39 - Part III Chapter 2

40 - Part III Chapter 3

41 - Part III Chapter 4

42 - Part III Chapter 5

43 - Part III Chapter 6

44 - Part III Chapter 7

45 - Part III Chapter 8

46 - Part III Chapter 9

47 - Part III Chapter 10

48 - Part III Chapter 11

49 - Part III Chapter 12

50 - Part III Chapter 13

51 - Part III Chapter 14

52 - Part III Chapter 15

53 - Part III Chapter 16

There are certain things that I feel, as I look through this bundle of manuscript, that I must say. The first is that of course no writer ever has fulfilled his intention and no writer ever will; secondly, that there was, when I began, another intention than that of dealing with my subject adequately, namely that of keeping myself outside the whole of it; I was to be, in the most abstract and immaterial sense of the word, a voice, and that simply because this business of seeing Russian psychology through English eyes has no excuse except that it is English. That is its only interest, its only atmosphere, its only motive, and if you are going to tell me that any aspect of Russia psychological, mystical, practical, or commercial seen through an English medium is either Russia as she really is or Russia as Russians see her, I say to you, without hesitation, that you don’t know of what you are talking.

Of Russia and the Russians I know nothing, but of the effect upon myself and my ideas of life that Russia and the Russians have made during these last three years I know something. You are perfectly free to say that neither myself nor my ideas of life are of the slightest importance to any one. To that I would say that any one’s ideas about life are of importance and that any one’s ideas about Russian life are of interest... and beyond that, I have simply been compelled to write. I have not been able to help myself, and all the faults and any virtues in this story come from that. The facts are true, the inferences absolutely my own, so that you may reject them at any moment and substitute others. It is true that I have known Vera Michailovna, Nina, Alexei Petrovitch, Henry, Jerry, and the rest—some of them intimately—and many of the conversations here recorded I have myself heard. Nevertheless the inferences are my own, and I think there is no Russian who, were he to read this book, would not say that those inferences were wrong. In an earlier record, to which this is in some ways a sequel,1 my inferences were, almost without exception, wrong, and there is no Russian alive for whom this book can have any kind of value except as a happy example of the mistakes that the Englishman can make about the Russian.

But it is over those very mistakes that the two souls, Russian and English, so different, so similar, so friendly, so hostile, may meet.... And in any case the thing has been too strong for me. I have no other defence. For one’s interest in life is stronger, God knows how much stronger, than one’s discretion, and one’s love of life than one’s wisdom, and one’s curiosity in life than one’s ability to record it. At least, as I have said, I have endeavoured to keep my own history, my own desires, my own temperament out of this, as much as is humanly possible....

And the facts are true.


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