This is a book of 57 sections divided into 2 parts. The first part is comprised of 26 poems & the second part concludes with 31 assorted stories & otherwise. John Kendrick Bangs had been known as a jokester & prankster; was also known to be the editor of Puck, perhaps the foremost American humor magazine. Take a peak and see how you end up with a grin on your face and in your heart as well. That is honest Bangsian writing.
By : John Kendrick Bangs (1862 - 1922)
A little bit of Thackeray,
A little bit of Scott,
A modicum of Dickens just
To tangle up the plot,
A paraphrase of Marryat,
Another from Dumas—
You ask me for a novel, sir,
And I say, there you are.
The pen is greater than the sword,
Of that there is no doubt.
The pen for me whene’er I wish
An enemy to rout.
A pen, a pad, and say a pint
Of ink with which to scrawl,
To put a foe to flight is all
That’s needed—truly all.
But when it comes to making up
A novel in these days
You do not need a pen at all
To win the writer’s bays.
A pair of sharpened scissors and
A wealth of pure white page
Will do it if you have at hand
A pot of mucilage.
So give to me the scissors keen,
And give to me the glue,
And I will fix a novel up
That’s sure to startle you.
The good ideas have all been worked,
But while we’ve gum and paste
There shall be books and books and books
To please the public taste.
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