Fires and Fire-Fighters

John Kenlon became a New York City firefighter in 1887, and was appointed Fire Chief in 1911. In 1913, he wrote this authoritative book surveying the history of fire-fighting from ancient Rome to 20th-century New York. The first part of the book explores the evolution of fire-fighting techniques in various countries and the development of equipment and organization, and describes several famous historical fires and how they were fought. The remainder of the book discusses in greater detail some particular types of fires confronting an urban fire department in 1913, such as hotel, theater, factory, hospital, and school fires, sea port fires, and skyscraper fires. The author also emphasizes the need for high pressure water delivery systems, sprinkler systems, modern apparatus, and proper training for firefighters, and touches on the role of underwriters and salvage corps.

By : John Kenlon (1861 - 1940)

01 - Introduction

02 - Fire Fighting in Ancient Rome

03 - The Evolution of Fire Fighting

04 - Past and Present - Reminiscences of a Fire Fighter

05 - The French Fire Fighter

06 - Fire Fighting in Germany

07 - Fire Departments of Middle Europe

08 - The Trade of Arson

09 - Gasoline and Garages

10 - Great Fires and How They Were Fought, part 1A

11 - Great Fires and How They Were Fought, part 1B

12 - Great Fires and How They Were Fought, part 2

13 - The Hotel Peril

14 - Theatres and Fire Panics

15 - The High Pressure System

16 - Fire Control in Schools, Factories, and Hospitals

17 - Fire Fighting in the United Kingdom

18 - The New York Fire Department

19 - Sea Port Problems

20 - Fire Strategy in the Homes of the People

21 - Quick Burners

22 - The Problem of the Skyscraper

23 - Apparatus for Fire Fighting

24 - Two Platoon System

25 - Underwriters and Salvage Corps

26 - Conclusion


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