History of England In Words of One Syllable

A simple history of England written principally with words of one syllable. Books of these kind, I understand, are helpful for both beginning and remedial reading students.

By : Helen W. Pierson

01 - En-gland in the Old Times

02 - When the Sax-ons Came

03 - Al-fred the Great

04 - The Six Boy Kings

05 - Can-ute and the Dan-ish Kings

06 - WiL-LiAM the Con-quer-or

07 - Hen-ry I

08 - RiCH-ARD I, Li-on Heart

09 - Ed-ward I

10 - Ed-ward II

11 - Hard Times

12 - HeN-RY V, of MON-MOUTH

13 - War of the Ros-es

14 - Hen-ry VIII

15 - Ma-ry

16 - E-liz-a-beth [I]

17 - James I

18 - Charles I

19 - James II

20 - Queen Anne and the Geor-ges

21 - George III

22 - George IV

23 - ViC-TO-RI-A


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