Like Christ

It is sub-titled "Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Conformity to the Son of God". In his preface, Murray states two objects he had in mind in writing the book. The first was to portray the Son of God as a pattern of what God the Father wants believers to be, in such a way that we can see that being like Jesus is immensely attractive in awakening love, inspiring hope and strengthening faith. The second was to show how likeness to Christ is not a mere ideal, but something very real in life of believers as we reflect His image amid the trials and duties of daily life.

By : Andrew Murray (1828 - 1917)

00 - Preface

01 - Day 1 - Because we abide in Him

02 - Day 2 - He Himself call us to it

03 - Day 3 - As One that Serveth

04 - Day 4 - Our Head

05 - Day 5 - In Suffering Wrong

06 - Day 6 - Crucified with Him

07 - Day 7 - In His Self-denial

08 - Day 8 - In His Self-sacrifice

09 - Day 9 - Not of the World

10 - Day 10 - In His Heavenly Mission

11 - Day 11 - As the Elect of God

12 - Day 12 - In doing God's Will

13 - Day 13 - In His Compassion

14 - Day 14 - In His Oneness with the Father

15 - Day 15 - In His Dependence on the Father

16 - Day 16 - In His Love

17 - Day 17 - In His Praying

18 - Day 18 - In His Use of Scripture

19 - Day 19 - In Forgiving

20 - Day 20 - In Beholding Him

21 - Day 21 - In His Humility

22 - Day 22 - In the Likeness of His Death

23 - Day 23 - In the Likeness of His Resurrection

24 - Day 24 - Being Made Conformable to His Death

25 - Day 25 - Giving His Life for Men

26 - Day 26 - In His Meekness

27 - Day 27 - Abiding in the Love of God

28 - Day 28 - Led by the Spirit

29 - Day 29 - In His Life through the Father

30 - Day 30 - In Glorifying the Father

31 - Day 31 - In His Glory

32 - On Preaching Christ our Example


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