
The story of Marjorie Edmonds and those who surround her: Mr. Maxwell, her mother's boarder; Ralph and Estelle Bramlett, with Ralph's impulsiveness and Estelle's selfishness; Hannah Bramlett, who is helping keep a young man from drunkenness; and others. Each one has life choices to make and the consequences to face, but all are being over-ruled by a loving and sovereign God.

By : Pansy (1841 - 1930)

01 - A Stormy Evening

02 - A Day's Story

03 - ''Poor Hannah''

04 - ''Marjorie Edmonds''

05 - Temptations

06 - Poor Jack!

07 - A Chance to Choose

08 - Pivots

09 - ''What If I Should--?''

10 - An Anniversary

11 - A Series of Blunders

12 - A Confidential Talk

13 - ''There Ought to Be''

14 - June Visitors

15 - Schemes

16 - The Teacher Taught

17 - A Crisis

18 - Revelations

19 - ''I Don't Like It''

20 - Enter Dr. Maxwell

21 - Brothers Indeed

22 - A Harvest

23 - The Unexpected

24 - ''It Might Have Been''

25 - June Again

26 - Half the Story

27 - Opportunity

28 - A Crisis

29 - ''For Me -- Heaven''


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