The Daisy Chain, or Aspirations

Join the endearing May family in small-town England as each member lives through some pivotal years. How will they face the changes that shake their family to the core? To quote the preface: "It would beg to be considered merely as what it calls itself, a Family Chronicle—a domestic record of home events, large and small, during those years of early life when the character is chiefly formed, and as an endeavour to trace the effects of those aspirations which are a part of every youthful nature." The following cast list (including nicknames) may be helpful when first meeting the large May family. Parents: Dick and Maggie, Children: Richard (May), Margaret, Flora, Norman (June), Ethel, Harry (July), Mary, Tom (August), Blanche, Aubrey, Gertrude Margaret (Daisy)

By : Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901)

00 - Preface

01 - Part 1, Chapter 1

02 - Part 1, Chapter 2

03 - Part 1, Chapter 3

04 - Part 1, Chapter 4

05 - Part 1, Chapter 5

06 - Part 1, Chapter 6

07 - Part 1, Chapter 7

08 - Part 1, Chapter 8

09 - Part 1, Chapter 9

10 - Part 1, Chapter 10

11 - Part 1, Chapter 11

12 - Part 1, Chapter 12

13 - Part 1, Chapter 13

14 - Part 1, Chapter 14

15 - Part 1, Chapter 15

16 - Part 1, Chapter 16

17 - Part 1, Chapter 17

18 - Part 1, Chapter 18

19 - Part 1, Chapter 19

20 - Part 1, Chapter 20

21 - Part 1, Chapter 21

22 - Part 1, Chapter 22

23 - Part 1, Chapter 23

24 - Part 1, Chapter 24

25 - Part 1, Chapter 25

26 - Part 1, Chapter 26

27 - Part 1, Chapter 27

28 - Part 1, Chapter 28

29 - Part 1, Chapter 29

30 - Part 1, Chapter 30

31 - Part 2, Chapter 1

32 - Part 2, Chapter 2

33 - Part 2, Chapter 3

34 - Part 2, Chapter 4

35 - Part 2, Chapter 5

36 - Part 2, Chapter 6

37 - Part 2, Chapter 7

38 - Part 2, Chapter 8

39 - Part 2, Chapter 9

40 - Part 2, Chapter 10

41 - Part 2, Chapter 11

42 - Part 2, Chapter 12

43 - Part 2, Chapter 13

44 - Part 2, Chapter 14

45 - Part 2, Chapter 15

46 - Part 2, Chapter 16

47 - Part 2, Chapter 17

48 - Part 2, Chapter 18

49 - Part 2, Chapter 19

50 - Part 2, Chapter 20

51 - Part 2, Chapter 21

52 - Part 2, Chapter 22

53 - Part 2, Chapter 23

54 - Part 2, Chapter 24

55 - Part 2, Chapter 25

56 - Part 2, Chapter 26

57 - Part 2, Chapter 27

No one can be more sensible than is the Author that the present is an overgrown book of a nondescript class, neither the “tale” for the young, nor the novel for their elders, but a mixture of both.

Begun as a series of conversational sketches, the story outran both the original intention and the limits of the periodical in which it was commenced; and, such as it has become, it is here presented to those who have already made acquaintance with the May family, and may be willing to see more of them. It would beg to be considered merely as what it calls itself, a Family Chronicle—a domestic record of home events, large and small, during those years of early life when the character is chiefly formed, and as an endeavour to trace the effects of those aspirations which are a part of every youthful nature. That the young should take one hint, to think whether their hopes and upward-breathings are truly upwards, and founded in lowliness, may be called the moral of the tale.

For those who may deem the story too long, and the characters too numerous, the Author can only beg their pardon for any tedium that they may have undergone before giving it up.


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