The Pianoforte Sonata

John S. Shedlock covers the history of what might now be called the keyboard sonata, from Kuhnau's Sonata in B flat from 1695, believed at the time to be the earliest keyboard sonata, up the present day. Along the way, works by Emanuel Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, Liszt and others are looked at, along with many musical extracts.

By : John South Shedlock (1843 - 1919)

00 - Preface

01 - Introductory

02 - Johann Kuhnau

03 - Bernardo Pasquini: A Contemporary of J. Kuhnau

04 - Emanuel Bach and some of his Contemporaries

05 - Haydn and Mozart

06 - Predecessors of Beethoven

07 - Ludwig van Beethoven

08 - Two Contemporaries of Beethoven

09 - Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, and Liszt

10 - The Sonata in England

11 - Modern Sonatas, Duet Sonatas, Sonatinas, etc.

This little volume is entitled "The Pianoforte Sonata: its Origin and Development." Some of the early sonatas mentioned in it were, however, written for instruments of the jack or tangent kind. Even Beethoven's sonatas up to Op. 27, inclusive, were published for "Clavicembalo o Pianoforte." The Germans have the convenient generic term "Clavier," which includes the old and the new instruments with hammer action; hence, they speak of a Clavier Sonate written, say, by Kuhnau, in the seventeenth, or of one by Brahms in the nineteenth, century.

The term "Piano e Forte" is, however, to be found in letters of a musical instrument maker named Paliarino, written, as we learn from the valuable article "Pianoforte," contributed by Mr. Hipkins to Sir George Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, already in the year 1598, and addressed to Alfonso II., Duke of Modena. The earliest sonata for a keyed instrument mentioned in this volume was published in 1695; and to avoid what seems an unnecessary distinction, I have used the term "Pianoforte Sonata" for that sonata and for some other works which followed, and which are usually and properly termed "Harpsichord Sonatas."

I have to acknowledge kind assistance received from Mr. A.W. Hutton, Mr. F.G. Edwards, and Mr. E. Van der Straeten. And I also beg to thank Mr. W. Barclay Squire and Mr. A. Hughes-Hughes for courteous help at the British Museum; likewise Dr. Kopfermann, chief librarian of the musical section of the Berlin Royal Library.


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