Around the World with the Children

An introduction to world geography for young and old alike. Topics such as China, Japan, the American Indian, Europe and the oceans on a beginning level.

Frank G. Carpenter (1855 - 1924)

Frank George Carpenter was an author, photographer, lecturer, collector of photographs. Carpenter was a writer of standard geography textbooks and lecturer on geography, and wrote a series of books called Carpenter's World Travels which were very popular between 1915 and 1930.

00 - Preface

01 - Chapter 1

02 - Chapter 2

03 - Chapter 3

04 - Chapter 4

05 - Chapter 5

06 - Chapter 6

07 - Chapter 7

08 - Chapter 8

09 - Chapter 9

10 - Chapter 10

11 - Chapter 11

12 - Chapter 12

13 - Chapter 13

14 - Chapter 14

15 - Chapter 15


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