Eight Keys to Eden

When Earth loses contact with the colony planet Eden, an expedition is sent to find out why. Even though the planet has been determined to have no hostile properties, the second expedition is astonished to find no evidence of the colony. The colonists are spread out, naked, wandering dazed among the bushes, with no sign of any of the technology they brought from Earth.

By : Mark Clifton (1906 - 1963)

00 - Seven Doors To Seven Rooms Of Thought

01 - Chapter 1

02 - Chapter 2

03 - Chapter 3

04 - Chapter 4

05 - Chapter 5

06 - Chapter 6

07 - Chapter 7

08 - Chapter 8

09 - Chapter 9

10 - Chapter 10

11 - Chapter 11

12 - Chapter 12

13 - Chapter 13

14 - Chapter 14

15 - Chapter 15

16 - Chapter 16

17 - Chapter 17

18 - Chapter 18

19 - Chapter 19

20 - Chapter 20

21 - Chapter 21

22 - Chapter 22

23 - Chapter 23

24 - Chapter 24

25 - Chapter 25

26 - Chapter 26

27 - Chapter 27

28 - Chapter 28

29 - Chapter 29


1 - Accept the statement of Eminent Authority without basis, without question.

2 - Disagree with the statement without basis, out of general contrariness.

3 - Perhaps the statement is true, but what if it isn't? How then to account for the phenomenon?

4 - How much of the statement rationalizes to suit man's purpose that he and his shall be ascendant at the center of things?

5 - What if the minor should become major, the recessive dominant, the obscure prevalent?

6 - What if the statement were reversible, that which is considered effect is really cause?

7 - What if the natural law perceived in one field also operates unperceived in all other phases of science? What if there be only one natural law manifesting itself, as yet, to us in many facets because we cannot apperceive the whole, of which we have gained only the most elementary glimpses, with which we can cope only at the crudest level?

And are those still other doors, yet undefined,
on down the corridor?


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