Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old

Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old is a detailed, chronological presentation of the life of Christ, relying heavily on quoted portions of Scripture/ Rev. Hurlbut makes the gospel story accessible for the reader as each episode and teaching is presented as natural dialog. The Life of Christ is a worthy companion to his larger multi-volume Story of the Bible. These are true classics of Christian literature.

By : Jesse Lyman Hurlbut (1843 - 1930)

000 - Preface and Introduction

001 - The Lord's Land

002 - The People in the Lord's Land

003 - The Stranger by the Golden Altar

004 - The Angel Visits Nazareth

005 - A Young Girl's Journey

006 - The Boy Who Never Tasted Wine

007 - The Child-King in His Cradle

008 - The Baby Brought to the Temple

009 - The Followers of the Star

010 - Safe in Egypt

011 - A Child's Life in Nazareth

012 - The Boy Lost and Found

013 - The Young Woodworker

014 - The Voice by the River

015 - The Carpenter Leaves His Shop

016 - Alone in the Desert

017 - The Earliest Followers of Jesus

018 - The Water Turned to Wine

019 - The Lord in His Temple

020 - At the Old Well

021 - The Nobleman's Boy

022 - The Carpenter in His Home-town

023 - Four Fishermen Called

024 - Jesus in the Church, in the House, and in the Street

025 - The Leper and the Palsied Man

026 - How the Tax-Collector Became a Disciple

027 - The Cripple at the Bath

028 - The Lord of the Sabbath

029 - Jesus on the Mountain

030 - The Good Army Captain

031 - How Jesus Stopped a Funeral

032 - The Sinful Woman Forgiven

033 - Jesus and His Enemies

034 - The Story-teller by the Sea

035 - More Stories Told by the Sea

036 - Sailing Across the Sea

037 - The Sick Woman Made Well, and the Dead Girl Brought to Life

038 - Sight to the Blind and Voice to the Dumb

039 - Twelve Preachers Sent Out

040 - A Dance; and How It Was Paid For

041 - The Boy with His Five Loaves

042 - How the Sea Became a Floor

043 - The Bread of Life

044 - Jesus in a Strange Country

045 - In the Land of the Ten Cities

046 - Again on the Sea of Galilee

047 - The Great Confession

048 - The Vision on the Mountain

049 - The Boy with the Dumb Spirit

050 - The Last Visit to Capernaum

051 - Good-bye to Galilee

052 - Passing Through Samaria

053 - The Scribe's Question; and Mary's Choice

054 - Jesus at the Feast of Tents

055 - Jesus and the Sinful Woman

056 - The Blind Man at the Pool of Siloam

057 - The Good Shepherd

058 - Sending Out the Seventy

059 - Lazarus Called Out of His Tomb

060 - Jesus Preaching in Perea

061 - In the Church and at the Feast

062 - On Counting the Cost

063 - Seeking the Lost

064 - The Parable of the Lost Son Found

065 - The Parable of the Dishonest Steward

066 - A Parable for the Lovers of Money

067 - Two Parables Upon Prayer

068 - The Little Children; and the Rich Young Man

069 - The Workers in the Vineyard

070 - The Blind Man at the Gate

071 - In the Rich Man's Home at Jericho

072 - The Alabaster Jar

073 - Palm Sunday

074 - Monday on the Mount and in the Temple

075 - Tuesday Morning in the Temple

076 - Three Parables of Warning

077 - The Head on the Coin

078 - The Woman with Seven Husbands

079 - The Greatest of All the Commandments

080 - The Greatest Gift; and the Strangers from Afar

081 - Jesus Telling of Dark Days to Come

082 - The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids

083 - The Parable of the Talents

084 - The Last Great Day

085 - Washing the Disciples' Feet

086 - The Lord's Supper

087 - The Vine and the Branches

088 - The Last Words of Jesus to His Disciples

089 - In the Garden of Gethsemane

090 - Jesus Before Annas

091 - Jesus Before Caiaphas

092 - Jesus Before the Roman Governor

093 - Jesus Before Herod

094 - Jesus Sentenced to Death

095 - Jesus Led to Calvary

096 - Jesus on the Cross

097 - The Tomb in the Garden

098 - The Risen Christ and the Empty Tomb

099 - Jesus and Mary Magdalene

100 - A Walk with the Risen Christ

101 - Two Sunday Evenings with the Risen Christ

102 - The Breakfast by the Sea

103 - Jesus Rising up from Earth to Heaven

In the preparation of this volume the aim in view has been to tell the story of Jesus Christ in a manner that will be attractive to both young and old, to children and their teachers. While the purpose of the writer has been to adapt the narrative to the understanding of a child of ten years, so that he will not need to ask the meaning of a sentence or a word: yet it has also been his desire to make it not childish, but simple, so that older readers may find it interesting and profitable.

In order that this book may not lead its younger readers or listeners away from the Bible, but directly toward it, no imaginary scenes or conversations have been introduced. The design has been to write the biography of Jesus, not a romance founded upon his life.

The order of events has been carefully considered; and follows that of the best authorities, accepting as historical all the four gospels and all their contents; raising no questions concerning miracles or the relative values of different portions of the record. The first purpose of every student or reader of the Bible, whether young or old, should be to become thoroughly familiar with its contents. Without a full knowledge of the Scriptures as they are, he is absolutely unfit to cope with the questions of authorship or the credibility of the sacred writings.

No attempt has been made to formulate from the record of Christ's life a doctrinal system. Theology is the loftiest study for the human intellect; but it belongs to the mature mind, not to the realm of childhood. Nor has it been the writer's aim to find in this story moral lessons for the young. The works and words of Jesus will make their own application to their reader, whether they be children or adults.

The typography, the illustrations, and the mechanical execution of such a work as this are of almost equal importance with its literary material. All that diligent effort, artistic taste, and abundant resources can do to make this book attractive and helpful to its readers, has been done by the Publishers.

That this volume may awaken a new interest in that Life of lives, which has brought the light of life to untold millions since it was lived upon the earth: that the children of this generation, who are to become the pillars of the coming years, may learn to love and follow Him who is the Elder Brother and Saviour of us all, is the prayer of the author of these pages.


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