The History Of Lady Barton

This is the story of the three Cleveland siblings: Fanny, the innocent yet very sympathetic sister; Louisa, the strong willed sister whose miserable marriage to Sir William is the center of the novel; and Sir George who tries to get over the loss of his lover by touring the world. Louisa is not an amoral woman, she is beautiful and very lively, values which 18th century society promotes, yet she suffers only affliction from her "respectable" college educated husband. In the main plot, and all the sub plots (of which there are many), the book tests many prominent values of the time and brings to light their negative implications. It raises questions such as: is marriage always right for women? If a woman is miserable in her marriage, when is enough? Is a great tour to find yourself always a good idea, or should you consider it's implications on those around you? Does formal education matter or should inter personal communication skills be more important? Or, perhaps most importantly, is your family always there to protect you? This book is timeless in it's discourses on right and wrong, friendship, and of course love. It has everything for everyone, even the favorite gothic story for those who look for it. It is a must read for every 18th century lover. A book that will make you think and think again. The novel is written in letters. It is my ideal that every letter writer would be read by a reader. So when you come to claim, please look how many letters you are supposed to read and consider if you can complete the reading in a timely mannor. The letter writers are: Lady Barton: formerly Louisa Cleveland, a strong willed woman who is abused from the start by her husband sir William. A smart, realistic and suffisticated lady. Fanny Cleveland, later lady Hume: her sister, a compashenate, intelagent, and optimistic woman. She is Louisa's only real friend yet has much to offer in her own right. Lord Hume: Fanny's love interest who takes a great tour during which many funny adventures befall him. Lord Lucan: the only friend of Sir William's louisa likes. Intelligent and educated. Harriette Westley: Sir William's young niece. wrote only one short letter.

By : Elizabeth Griffith (1727 - 1793)

00 - Preface

01 - Letters 1-4: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

02 - Letters 5-6- from miss Cleveland to lady Barton

03 - Letter 7: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

04 - Letter 8: from miss Cleveland to lady Barton

05 - Letter 9: from lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

06 - Letter 10: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

07 - Letters 11-12- from lady Barton to miss Cleveland

08 - Letter 13: from miss Cleveland to lady Barton

09 - Letter 14: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

10 - Letter 15: from Lord Lucan to Lord Hume

11 - Letter 16: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

12 - Letters 17-18: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

13 - Letter 19: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

14 - Letter 20: from Lord Hume to Miss Cleveland

15 - Letter 21: from Miss Westley to Miss Cleveland

16 - Letter 22: from Miss Cleaveland to Miss Westley

17 - Letter 23: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

18 - Letter 24: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

19 - Letter 25- from Lord Lucan to lord Hume

20 - Letter 26: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

21 - Letter 27: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

22 - Letter 28: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

23 - Letters 29-30: from Lady Barton to miss Cleveland

24 - Letter 31: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

25 - Letter 32: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

26 - Letters 33-34: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

27 - Letter 35: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

28 - Letter 36: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

29 - Letter 37: from Lord Lucan to Lord Hume

30 - Letters 38-39: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

31 - Letter 40: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

32 - Letter 41: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

33 - Letter 42: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

34 - Letters 43-44: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

35 - Letter 45: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

36 - Letter 46: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

37 - Letter 47: from Lord Lucan to Lord Hume

38 - Letter 48: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

39 - Letter 49: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

40 - Letters 50-52: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

41 - Letters 53-54: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

42 - Letter 55: from Lord Lucan to Lord Hume

43 - Letters 56-58: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

44 - Letter 59: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

45 - Letter 60: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

46 - Letter 61: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

47 - Letter 62: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

48 - Letter 63: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton

49 - Letter 66: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton - part 1

50 - Letter 66: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton - part 2

51 - Letter 66: from Miss Cleveland to Lady Barton - part 3

52 - Letter 67: from Lady Barton to Miss Cleveland

53 - Letter 68: from Lady Hume to Lady Barton

54 - Letter 69: from Lady Barton to Lady Hume

55 - Letter 70: from Lord Hume to Lord Lucan

56 - Letters 71-74: from Lady Barton to Lady Hume

57 - Letter 75: from Lord Lucan to Lord Hume

58 - Letter 76: from Lady Hume to Lady Barton

59 - Letters 77-78: from Lady Hume to Sir George Cleveland


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