Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan

Tales of Folklore are often of special interest. Anything may happen to ordinary mortals in the world painted by folklore. But it becomes even more interesting when you dive into folklore of places away from your own culture.

This volume is a collection of ancient Japanese tales. We hear of ordinary mortals interacting with the spirit world, sometimes to their benefit, sometimes to their doom, we hear of love and hate, and of war and peace. Some of the stories will be entirely new to most readers, some of them will be uncannily familiar.

By : Richard Gordon Smith (1858 - 1918)

00 - Preface

01 - The Golden Hairpin

02 - The Spirit Of The Willow Tree

03 - Ghost of the Violet Well

04 - Ghost Story of the Flute's Tomb

05 - A Haunted Temple in Inaba Province

06 - A Carp Gives a Lesson in Perseverance

07 - Legends Told by a Fisherman on Lake Biwa, At Zeze

08 - A Miraculous Sword

09 - 'The Procession of Ghosts'

10 - A Faithful Servant

11 - Prince Hosokawa's Most Valuable Title-Deeds

12 - The Story of Kato Sayemon

13 - Great Fire Caused by a Lady's Dress

14 - History of Awoto Fujitsuna

15 - A Life Saved by a Spider and Two Doves

16 - Murakami Yoshiteru's Faithfulness

17 - A Story of Oki Islands

18 - Cape of the Woman's Sword

19 - How Yogodayu Won A Battle

20 - The Isolated or Desolated Island

21 - Chikubu Island, Lake Biwa

22 - Reincarnation

23 - The Diving-Woman of Oiso Bay

24 - Theft And Recovery of a Golden Kwannon

25 - Saigyo Hoshi's Rock

26 - How Masakuni Regained His Sight

27 - Sagami Bay

28 - The King of Torijima

29 - The Perpetual Life-Giving Wine

30 - The Hermit's Cave

31 - Yosoji's Camellia Tree

32 - Whales

33 - The Holy Cherry Tree of Musubi-no-Kami Temple

34 - A Story of Mount Kanzanrei

35 - White Bone Mountain

36 - A Stormy Night's Tragedy

37 - The Kakemono Ghost of Aki Province

38 - White Saké

39 - The Blind Beauty

40 - The Secret of Iidamachi Pond

41 - The Spirit of Yenoki

42 - The Spirit of the Lotus Lily

43 - The Temple of the Awabi

44 - Human Fireflies

45 - The Chrysanthemum Hermit

46 - The Princess Peony

47 - The Memorial Cherry Tree

48 - The 'Jirohei' Cherry Tree, Kyoto

49 - The Snow Ghost

50 - The Snow Tomb

51 - The Dragon-Shaped Plum Tree

52 - The Chessboard Cherry Tree

53 - The Precious Sword 'Natori no Hoto'

54 - The White Serpent God

55 - A Festival of the Awabi Fish

56 - The Spirit of a Willow Tree Saves Family Honour

57 - The Camphor Tree Tomb


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