Angels of the Battlefield

"Angels of the Battlefield: A History of the Labors of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the Late Civil War" chronicles the compassionate services of these dedicated women during the bitter and bloody U.S. Civil War. These accounts also offer some important historical details, giving some important insights into the people and events of the war. This is the Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.

By : George Barton (1866 - 1940)

00 - Author's Preface

01 - The Orders That Participated

02 - Archbishop Hughs and the Sisters

03 - In and around Richmond

04 - Harper's Ferry

05 - St. Louis Military Hospital, Part 1

06 - St. Louis Military Hospital, Part 2

07 - In and around Washington

08 - Sister Anthony at Shiloh, Part 1

09 - Sister Anthony at Shiloh, Part 2

10 - Plymouth and Norfolk

11 - Labors in Frecerick City

12 - White House

13 - Manassas and Antiem

14 - New Orleans

15 - Southern Battlefields

16 - Gettysburg

17 - Satterlee Hospital, Part 1

18 - Satterlee Hospital, Part 2

19 - Satterlee Hospital, Part 3

20 - Satterlee Hospital, Part 4

21 - The Fall of Richmond

22 - Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

23 - More about Nazareth

24 - Sisters of Mt. St. Vincent

25 - The Sisters of Mercy

26 - The North Carolina Hospitals

27 - Labors in the West, Part 1

28 - Labors in the West, Part 2

29 - The Stanton Hospital

30 - Sisters of St. Joseph

31 - Sisters of the Holy Cross

32 - Mother Angela, Part 1

33 - Mother Angela, Part 2

34 - Non-Catholic Tributes, Part 1

35 - Non-Catholic Tributes, Part 2

36 - A Lesson in Charity

37 - Appendix Part 1 An Innocent Victim

38 - Appendix Part 2 Medals for Sisters

39 - Appendix Part 3 Honored by the Queen

40 - Appendix Part 4 Veterans of the Crimean War

41 - Appendix Part 5 Poor Sister St. Claire

42 - Appendix Part 6 Lord Napier's Testimony

43 - Appendix Part 7 Very Rev. James Francis Burlando, C.M.

44 - Appendix Part 8 Mother Seton

45 - Appendix Part 9 The Sister of Charity

46 - Appendix Part 10 Sisters of Charity

47 - Appendix Part 11 The Angels of Buena Vista

48 - Appendix Part 12 Catherine Elizabeth McAuley

49 - Appendix Part 13 Clerical Veterans

50 - Appendix Part 14 Catholics in the War

51 - Appendix Part 15 The Sanitary Commission

52 - Appendix Part 16 The Blue and the Gray

53 - Appendix Part 17 A Miracle of War

54 - Appendix Part 18 Lincoln at Gettysburg

55 - Appendix Part 19 The Faith and the Flag

56 - Appendix Part 20 A Romance of War

57 - Publisher's Notice, Part 1

58 - Publisher's Notice, Part 2

59 - Publisher's Notice, Part 3

The object of this volume is to present in as consecutive and comprehensive form as possible the history of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the late Civil War. Many books have been written on the work of other women in this war, but, aside from fugitive newspaper paragraphs, nothing has ever been published concerning the self-sacrificing labors of these Sisterhoods. Whatever may have been the cause of this neglect or indifference, it is evident that the time has arrived to fill this important gap in the literature of the war.

“The Sisters,” to quote an army chaplain, “do not have reunions or camp-fires to keep alive the memories of the most bloody lustrum in our history, but their war stories are as heroic, and far more edifying, than many the veterans tell.”

That genuine humility so characteristic of the Sisters has made the collection of the necessary data for this work very difficult. Most of the stories embodied in the pages that follow have been gathered by personal interviews, through examinations of various archives and records, and by an extensive correspondence with Government officials, veterans of the war and the superiors of convents and communities. It is impossible to enumerate all those who have aided in the work, but the writer desires to thank especially the Sisters to whom he is indebted for the chapters relating to the Sisters of Mercy who were with the Irish Brigade in the West, and to the Sisters of St. Joseph who were at Camp Curtin, in Harrisburg, Pa.

While the author has not hesitated to avail himself of every possible source of information, it is only fair to say that the great bulk of the material that goes to make up the volume has been drawn from entirely original sources, and is presented in printed form for the first time. In order to form a basis for the work all of the obtainable literature bearing upon the civil conflict was examined in a thorough and exhaustive manner. It is no exaggeration to say that nearly one thousand volumes bearing upon the “late unpleasantness” were searched with the hope of finding some data bearing upon the saintly work of the Sisterhoods. The books of reference included the more important histories of the war; the memoirs and recollections of the leading generals of both the Union and Confederate armies; the debates in Congress, the lives of the founders of the several religious orders; the histories of the Church and of the Sisterhoods, and a score of miscellaneous works too numerous to name in a preface. The official records and correspondence of the war, issued by authority of Congress, under the supervision and at the expense of the government, consists, in itself, of more than one hundred bulky volumes.

The return from this immense crop of literature, so far as the Sisters were concerned, was ridiculously small. It did not begin to be commensurate with the amount of time, labor and patience involved in the research. A rare letter or document, and the occasional mention of a Sister in the reports to the War Department constituted the sum total. The oft-quoted hunt for the needle in the haystack furnishes the only adequate comparison of the work in this instance. The Generals and the officials who had the direction of the awful struggle were, in the main, too busily engaged in making history to pause long enough to mention the modest hands that bound up their wounds, soothed their fevered brows and performed those other acts of faith and charity that seem to belong essentially, not to the weaker but to the gentler sex.

In addition to this, the files of the secular and religious newspapers, from 1860 to 1865, were minutely examined and the results carefully collated. Magazines and other periodicals, including the illustrated weeklies of the time, were also searched. The material thus evolved while more promising than in the case of the histories and books of the war was not entirely satisfactory. The paragraphs were not only meagre and disconnected, but the dates and places were uncertain and at times unreliable. But where these newspaper stories could not be utilized, they were useful in furnishing clues upon which complete stories were afterwards built.

The general reader may not be deeply interested in these details concerning the making of the book, but they are given for the purpose of emphasizing the care and industry involved in the compilation and production of the work. Through it all there has been a conscientious effort to avoid political, sectional or religious controversy. In short, the desire has been to present a modest picture of the grand work done by the Sisters for Humanity.

Of course, there has been no intention of presenting a history, or even a sketch, of the war itself and the merest thread of its events has been introduced solely for the purpose of making the narrative of the Sisters as connected as the scattered data permitted. The aim has been constantly to present facts in an impartial manner. How far the writer has succeeded remains for the reader to judge.

The chivalrous men wearing both the Blue and the Gray, who caused American manhood and valor to be known and respected the world over, have on many occasions, and in various ways, given expression to the esteem and affection in which they hold the women who devoted their lives to the care of the sick and wounded. The ranks of the war Sisters have been gradually thinned out by death until but a handful of them remain. These survivors rest in their convent homes, tranquilly awaiting the final summons to a land where conflict is unknown. They may die, but the story of their patriotic and humane work will live as long as love for loyalty, regard for duty and admiration for self-sacrifice exist in the hearts of the American people.


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