History of Egypt

The history of Egypt from the earliest times to the conquest by Alexander the Great, covering the development of Egyptian civilization: science, religion, art, language and literature. This book is written for the interested layperson, requiring no prior knowledge of Egypt, and in approachable everyday language.

By : Frederick C. H. Wendel

00 - Preface

01 - Introductory, Part 1

02 - Introductory, Part 2

03 - The Old Empire

04 - From the 7th Dynasty to the close of the 12th

05 - The Decline of the Egyptian Kingdom and the Hyksos Domination

06 - From the Expulsion of the Hyksos to the close of the 18th Dynasty

07 - The 19th Dynasty

08 - The Close of the New Empire and the Period of Decline

09 - The Aethiopians and Assyrians in Egypt

10 - The 26th Dynasty - The Egyptian Renaissance

11 - From the Persian Conquest to the Invasion of Alexander the Great, Part 1

12 - From the Persian Conquest to the Invasion of Alexander the Great, Part 2


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