Dave Brings Home A Wife

This is a self-contained story-arc over eight chapters from the pages of Steele Rudd's book "Back At Our Selection". The Synopsis: After being a shy bachelor for a number of years, Dave (Dad Rudd's second eldest son) has finally got married. To a "Girl from Town" named "Lily White". When she first arrives at "Ruddville", she and Dave's sister Sarah get on wonderfully. But after some months, friction between the two young woman sets in, and Dave and Lily seek to have a separate house of their own on the extensive Rudd property. But Dad, though now a prosperous farmer, started out with his wife and children in a two-room settler's slab-hut, and has a notion ... exacerbated by tightfistedness ... that all young folk should start out their married life like that and work their way up. So he finds, demolishes, carts, and re-erects a forty-year-old abandoned shack for his son and daughter-in-law. They acquiesce to accepting it, and in time even become rather contented there. But soon, Dave's mother-in-law arrives for a visit, and cranky old Dad Rudd finally meets his nemesis.

By : Steele Rudd (1868 - 1935)

01 - Chapter 10 - Dave Brings Home a Wife

02 - Chapter 11 - Dave's New House

03 - Chapter 12 - Dave and Lily Start Housekeeping

04 - Chapter 13 - Lily's Mother Arrives

05 - Chapter 14 - Lily's Mother Meets Dad

06 - Chapter 15 - Dad Holds A Post Mortem

07 - Chapter 16 - Dad Relents

08 - Chapter 17 - Dad Forgets The Past


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