Glimpses of Bengal

The book is a selection of letters written by Tagore, in various places in Bengal, India.

By : Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941)

01 - Introduction

02 - Bandora By The Sea

03 - Shelidah, 1888

04 - Shazadpur, 1890

05 - Kaligram, 1891

06 - Shazadpur

07 - On The Way

08 - Chuhali

09 - Shazadpur

10 - On Board to a Canal Steamer going to Cuttack

11 - Tiran

12 - Shelidah

13 - Bolpur

14 - Shelidah

15 - On the way to Goalunda

16 - Shelidah

17 - Shazadpur

18 - Shelidah

19 - Boalia

20 - Natore

21 - Shelidah

22 - Balja

23 - Cuttack

24 - Shelidah

25 - Shazadpur

26 - Patisar

27 - Shelidah

28 - Shazadpur

29 - On the way to Dighapatiyaya

30 - On the way to Boalia

31 - Calcutta

32 - Bolpur

33 - Shelidah

34 - On the way to Pabna

35 - Shelidah

36 - Kushtea

37 - Shelidah

The letters translated in this book span the most productive period of my literary life, when, owing to great good fortune, I was young and less known.

Youth being exuberant and leisure ample, I felt the writing of letters other than business ones to be a delightful necessity. This is a form of literary extravagance only possible when a surplus of thought and emotion accumulates. Other forms of literature remain the author's and are made public for his good; letters that have been given to private individuals once for all, are therefore characterised by the more generous abandonment.

It so happened that selected extracts from a large number of such letters found their way back to me years after they had been written. It had been rightly conjectured that they would delight me by bringing to mind the memory of days when, under the shelter of obscurity, I enjoyed the greatest freedom my life has ever known.

Since these letters synchronise with a considerable part of my published writings, I thought their parallel course would broaden my readers' understanding of my poems as a track is widened by retreading the same ground. Such was my justification for publishing them in a book for my countrymen. Hoping that the descriptions of village scenes in Bengal contained in these letters would also be of interest to English readers, the translation of a selection of that selection has been entrusted to one who, among all those whom I know, was best fitted to carry it out.


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