New York Nocturnes, and Other Poems

This is a volume of poetry by Canadian poet and prose writer Sir Charles G.D. Roberts. This volume starts with a series of poems on New York City, and then includes some other poems on miscellaneous subjects. The poems of the "Father of Canadian Poetry" will be enjoyed by all modern listeners who are fans of New York.

By : Sir Charles G. D. Roberts (1860 - 1943)

01 - The Ideal

02 - In the Crowd

03 - Night in a Down-town Street

04 - At the Railway Station

05 - Nocturnes of the Honeysuckle, I

06 - Nocturnes of the Honeysuckle, II

07 - My Garden

08 - Presence

09 - Twilight on Sixth Avenue

10 - The Street Lamps

11 - In Darkness

12 - In the Solitude of the City

13 - A Nocturne of Exile

14 - A Street Vigil

15 - A Nocturne of Trysting

16 - In a City Room

17 - A Nocturne of Consecration

18 - An Evening Communion

19 - Life and Art

20 - Beyond the Tops of Time

21 - Dream-Fellows

22 - The Atlantic Cable

23 - When the Clover Blooms Again

24 - At Tide Water

25 - The Falling Leaves

26 - Marjory

27 - The Solitary Woodsman

28 - The Stirrup Cup

29 - Ice

30 - The Hermit

31 - 'O Thou who bidd’st'

32 - Ascription

The Ideal

To Her, when life was little worth,
When hope, a tide run low,
Between dim shores of emptiness
Almost forgot to flow,—
Faint with the city’s fume and stress
I came at night to Her.
Her cool white fingers on my face—
How wonderful they were!
More dear they were to fevered lids
Than lilies cooled in dew.
They touched my lips with tenderness,
Till life was born anew.
The city’s clamour died in calm;
And once again I heard
The moon-white woodland stillnesses
Enchanted by a bird;
The wash of far, remembered waves;
The sigh of lapsing streams;
And one old garden’s lilac leaves
Conferring in their dreams.
A breath from childhood daisy fields
Came back to me again,
Here in the city’s weary miles
Of city-wearied men.


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