The Romance of Excavation

The Romance of Excavation: A Record of the Amazing Discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Troy, Crete, etc., with Twenty-Nine Illustrations, From the Foreword: "In the following pages I have sought to reveal some of the romance of excavation, to tell the fascinating story of the men who have gone out into the desert places and dug up long-lost cities and the fabled treasure of ancient kings."

By : David Masters (1883 - 1965)

01 - The Story of the Rosetta Stone

02 - The Ruins of Egypt

03 - The Tomb of Tutankhamen

04 - Signs That Tell Where to Dig

05 - Graves Which Make History

06 - Wonders of the Pyramids

07 - Thebes, One-time Capital of Egypt

08 - A Despised Statue that Realized 10,000 pounds

09 - The Mystery of Cuneiform Writing

10 - Hills Which Are Buried Cities

11 - How Layard Uncoverd a Lost Civilization

12 - A Mussel Shell That Proved Scientists Wrong

13 - The Discovery of Troy

14 - Schliemann Vindicated and Honored

15 - Did Ancient Crete Dominate the World?


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