The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson

An anecdotal account of the journey undertaken by James Boswell and Samuel Johnson to the Scottish Highlands and the Hebrides Islands.

By : James Boswell (1740 - 1795)

00 - Introduction

01 - Section 1

02 - Section 2

03 - Section 3

04 - Section 4

05 - Section 5

06 - Section 6

07 - Section 7

08 - Section 8

09 - Section 9

10 - Section 10

11 - Section 11

12 - Section 12

13 - Section 13

14 - Section 14

15 - Section 15

16 - Section 16

17 - Section 17

18 - Section 18

19 - Section 19

20 - Section 20

21 - Section 21

22 - Section 22

23 - Section 23

24 - Section 24

25 - Section 25

My Dear Sir,

In every narrative, whether historical or biographical, authenticity is of the utmost consequence. Of this I have ever been so firmly persuaded, that I inscribed a former work to that person who was the best judge of its truth. I need not tell you I mean General Paoli; who, after his great, though unsuccessful, efforts to preserve the liberties of his country, has found an honourable asylum in Britain, where he has now lived many years the object of Royal regard and private respect; and whom I cannot name without expressing my very grateful sense of the uniform kindness which he has been pleased to shew me.

The friends of Doctor Johnson can best judge, from internal evidence, whether the numerous conversations which form the most valuable part of the ensuing pages, are correctly related. To them, therefore I wish to appeal, for the accuracy of the portrait here exhibited to the world.

As one of those who were intimately acquainted with him, you have a tide to this address. You have obligingly taken the trouble to peruse the original manuscript of this tour, and can vouch for the strict fidelity of the present publication. Your literary alliance with our much lamented friend, in consequence of having undertaken to render one of his labours more complete, by your edition of Shakespeare, a work which I am confident will not disappoint the expectations of the publick, gives you another claim. But I have a still more powerful inducement to prefix your name to this volume, as it gives me an opportunity of letting the world know that I enjoy the honour and happiness of your friendship; and of thus publickly testifying the sincere regard with which I am.

My dear Sir,

Your very faithful and obedient servant,
James Boswell.
London, 20 September 1785.


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