Coloured Stars, versions of fifty Asiatic love poems

"There is an opportunity of knowing in brilliant English translations much of the poetry of China and Japan, of India and Persia; and Arabic poetry is accessible ; but I believe this book to be the first general English anthology of Asiatic verse. It is haphazard, as such books must be until some polyglot scholar gives a whole life to the matter. Variety was the only aim possible in a space so small, and therefore I have selected love poems of different centuries and of both primitive and subtle peoples."

By : Edward Powys Mathers (1892 - 1939)

00 - Foreword

01 - Shade of the Orange Leaves

02 - The Dalliance of the Leopards

03 - War Song

04 - Black Hair

05 - The Garden of Bamboos

06 - Eyes That Move Not

07 - Gazal

08 - Doubt

09 - Song

10 - My Desire

11 - Distich

12 - Song

13 - The Emperor

14 - Song

15 - Love Song

16 - Fardiyat

17 - Loving Things

18 - Being Together at Night

19 - The Peach Flower

20 - Leila

21 - Looking at the Moon

22 - Song

23 - A Love Rapture

24 - English Girl

25 - Gazal

26 - Lover's Jealousy

27 - Spring Cold

28 - Climbing Up to You

29 - Grief

30 - Song

31 - Last Time

32 - Mokcha

33 - Gazal

34 - Vai! Tchodjouklareum

35 - The Mirror

36 - Fardiyat

37 - At the East Gate

38 - Submission

39 - In the Palace

40 - A Thing Remembered

41 - The Most Virtuous Woman

42 - The Meeting

43 - The Drunken Rose

44 - The Tryst

45 - Zulma

46 - Rubaiyat

47 - Picture

48 - White

49 - Song

50 - The Red Lotus

51 - Envoy

52 - Four Notes


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