
Twenty-seven year old Rebecca Meredith feels out of place and unwanted. She has lost her mother, brother, and idolized little sister to the grave. Her beau suddenly and without warning marries someone else. And her father has brought home a new wife. The new Mrs. Meredith tries to befriend Rebecca, but Rebecca feels pushed out. She moves to another city and tries to earn her own way, finding her way into the McKenzie house as the nurse-girl to the baby of the family, who reminds her so much of her own late sister. However, she hates how Mr. McKenzie is cold and unfeeling toward his invalid wife. But there is a secret family tragedy that, when revealed, shows Rebecca how wrong she has been about herself, her family, the McKenzies, and Jesus Christ ... and shows her just how much she is wanted, after all.

By : Pansy (1841 - 1930)

01 - Torn Heartstrings

02 - Out in the World

03 - Business Changes

04 - Under Orders

05 - Bewilderment

06 - Looking Backward

07 - Wasting Sympathy

08 - Poor Rebecca

09 - Vital Questions

10 - Rebelliion

11 - Unrest

12 - Trusted

13 - Suspense and Bewilderment

14 - Revelations and Decisions

15 - The Truth

16 - Waiting

17 - Life and Death

18 - Responsibility

19 - Obligations

20 - Possibilities

21 - A Gleam of Gold

22 - A Change of Base

23 - Progression

24 - Reading Between the Lines

25 - Invitations

26 - Logical Conclusions

27 - Wanted at Home


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