Memoirs of a Country Doll

A doll tells the story of her adventuresome life in rural England. This story, written by an 11 year old girl in the style of a dolls autobiography these stories are delightfully fresh and childlike at the same time. We follow her from her start in a long box in a store in Soho through several 'mothers', travels, illnesses and adventures.

By : Mary Curtis (c. 1842 - )

01 - My Purchase and Two Mothers

02 - Ellen Green

03 - My Sickness

04 - Emma's Cousin - My Next Mama

05 - Gardening

06 - Blackberrying

07 - Balls, Parties, etc.

08 - Dolls Correspondence

09 - The Seashore

10 - An Accident

11 - Quarrelsome Mothers

12 - The Snow-Men

13 - The Theatre

14 - My Stage Experience

15 - The Pantomine

16 - My Next Mother

17 - Nutting

18 - An Old Maid and a Grandmother

19 - Accidents

20 - Conclusion


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