Volcanoes and Vulcanology

This is a collection of short scientific articles on the study of volcanoes and related seismic activity published in Knowledge, A Monthly Record of Science between 1884-1917

01 - Present Condition of the Volcanoes of Southern Italy

02 - The Recent Activity of Lassen Peak, California

03 - New Theories of Vulcanism and A. Brun

04 - The Role of Water in Volcanic Activity

05 - The Volcanoes of Madagascar

06 - Volcanic Domes

07 - Quantitative Study of Active Volcanoes

08 - Ancient Volcanoes in South Africa

09 - Volcanic Dust and Climatic Changes

10 - A New Volcano

11 - An Examination of the Volcanic Ash of Mont Pelée

12 - Vulcanology

13 - Earthquake Regions

14 - Etna's Eruptions, Part 1

15 - Etna's Eruptions, Part 2

16 - Plant Invasion on Hawaiian Lava Flows

17 - The Recent Eruption of Taal Volcano in the Philippine Islands

18 - A New Volcanic Island

19 - Volcanic Carbon Dioxide

20 - Saturated and Unsaturated Iqneous Rocks

21 - The Genesis of the Diamond

22 - Notes on Earthquakes

23 - Eruptions in the West Indies


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