Stories of the Victoria Cross

The Victoria Cross is the highest military award that can be made to members of the British and Commonwealth armed forces for acts of gallantry and valour “in the face of the enemy”. The medal was instituted by Royal Warrant in 1856 by Queen Victoria, who had taken an active interest in the reports and despatches during the battles of the Crimean War; especially the details describing the exceptional bravery and gallantry of individual soldiers of all ranks whilst under intense conflict. This book, Stories of the Victoria Cross was one in a series of inspirational texts and ‘heroic writings’ by the Victorian author Frank Mundell and published by The Sunday School Union. The stories presented here relate to actual events that occurred in the field of battle around the turn of the last century and the extraordinary efforts of individuals or groups of soldiers when facing life-threatening situations whilst under fire.

By : Frank Mundell (1870 - 1932)

00 - Epigraph

01 - The Victoria Cross

02 - Heroes of the Alma

03 - Heroes of Inkerman

04 - The Noble Six Hundred

05 - The Lady With The lamp

06 - The Gallant Nine

07 - Three to One

08 - Humane and Brave

09 - A Brave Surgeon

10 - The Hero of Kolapore

11 - 'Lucknow' Kavanagh

12 - Breaking the Square

13 - Storming the Takoo Forts

14 - Storming the Gate Pah

15 - Saving the Colours

16 - The Heroic Defence of Rorke's Drift

17 - Storming of the Inhlobane Mountain

18 - The Attack on Morosi's Mountain

19 - A Desperate Encounter

20 - Lieutenant Hamilton's Bravery

21 - The Battle of Maiwand

22 - The Battle of El Teb

23 - The Battle of Abu Klea

24 - The Hero of Manipur

25 - In South Africa


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